Batman: To all you evildoers out there, beware! We've received a warning from the Book of Malachi, Chapter 1.

Robin: Yes, Batman, Malachi condemns those who don't show proper respect for God and desecrate His Sanctuary.

Catwoman: Not to mention those who don't keep their promises to God.

Batman: Right, Catwoman. Malachi says God will punish them accordingly.

Joker: Hey, I'm all for punishment, but what about those of us who do respect God?

Robin: Well, Malachi says that God will reward those who obey His laws and show Him proper honor.

Riddler: How so?

Batman: By showing them favor and blessing them with prosperity.

Penguin: Hmph. I'm not sure I'm buying it.

Robin: There's no need to doubt it. Malachi promises that those who follow God will be blessed with peace, joy, and love.