Chapter 1
(Batman and Robin enter the scene) Batman: Greetings, Robin. What do we have here? Robin: It's Job 1, Batman! It's a story about a man named Job who was a loyal follower of God. Batman: Hmm. What happened to him? →
Chapter 2
Batman: Robin, something unusual is afoot! Satan has returned to the Lord's presence, and the Lord has allowed him to test Job's faith. Robin: Oh no, Batman! What does that mean? Batman: Satan has been granted permission to afflict Job's body, but not to take his life. →
Chapter 3
Batman: Robin, Job 3 begins with Job in anguish and utter despair, cursing the day of his birth. Robin: That sounds pretty bad, Batman. Joker: I can relate! Batman: Yes, Joker, but Job's despair is much deeper than yours. →
Chapter 4
Batman: You and I, Robin, have seen many strange things in our travels, but this chapter of the Bible is one of the strangest! Robin: What do you mean, Batman? Batman: Well, in Job 4, Eliphaz the Temanite speaks to Job, and he seems to think that Job is being punished by God for his sins! →
Chapter 5
Batman: Robin, do you recall what we read in Job 5? Robin: Of course, Batman. In Job 5, God speaks to Eliphaz and tells him that He brings misery and hardship on those who deserve it, and brings joy and restoration to those who are righteous. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Robin, I fear our old enemy, The Riddler, is up to no good again. Robin: What did he do this time, Batman? Batman: He's been causing trouble in the book of Job. Riddler: That's right, Robin. I've been stirring up trouble in Job 6. →
Chapter 7
Batman: Robin, look at this chapter of the Bible--it's about a man named Job! Robin: Wow, Batman, this man is really sad. He's complaining about his life and how hard it is. Batman: It certainly looks that way, Robin. →
Chapter 8
Batman: "Greetings, Robin! It appears we have a job to do in the Bible Chapter 8 of Job!" Robin: "What sort of job, Batman?" Batman: "A wise man named Bildad has joined us in a conversation about Job's suffering. →
Chapter 9
Joker: "Ha ha ha! The story of Job is getting more and more intriguing! What do you think, Batman? Batman: That's right, Joker. In Chapter 9 of the Bible, Job has come to the conclusion that no one can argue with God. →
Chapter 10
Batman: Robin, it appears that Job has had enough of this suffering! He's called out to God, asking why he has to go through all this pain. Robin: What can we do to help him, Batman? Batman: We can't do anything but listen to his plea. →
Chapter 11
Robin: Holy bookworm, Batman! In chapter 11 of the Bible, we meet Zophar the Naamathite. Batman: Zophar has some sound advice for our friend Job. Joker: Not that it's any of my business, but what kind of advice? →
Chapter 12
Batman: Robin, did you read Job 12 yet? Robin: Yes, Batman, it talks about how Job has the ability to understand and learn from the wisdom of the Lord. Batman: Interesting. Job says that wisdom and might come from the Lord, and that He is the one who reveals secrets from the dark and the deep. →
Chapter 13
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What's going on in Job 13? Batman: It seems that Job is fed up with the advice his friends have been giving him, Robin. He thinks they are wrong and he's tired of listening to them. →
Chapter 14
Joker: Ha ha ha! You won't be able to keep up with me this time, Batman! Batman: Not so fast, Joker! We'll be studying the Bible today. In Job 14, it says, "Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. →
Chapter 15
Batman: This chapter of Job starts off with Eliphaz the Temanite giving Job some advice. He says that Job is full of talk, but his words aren't helping his situation. Robin: Eliphaz claims that Job's words are just empty and that no wise person would even listen to him. →
Chapter 16
Joker: Ha ha ha! I've got a good one for ya, Batman. In the book of Job, chapter 16, Job's friend Eliphaz started in on him. Robin: What did he do to Job? Batman: Eliphaz asked Job why he was complaining since he had done so much wrong, and Job was pretty mad. →
Chapter 17
Batman: Robin, I fear that the situation in Job 17 is dire. Robin: What do you mean, Batman? Batman: Job has reached the end of his rope. He's in despair and even his friends have abandoned him. Robin: That's awful! What can we do to help? →
Chapter 18
Batman: Ah, Robin, we seem to be in a pickle. It appears that Job's so-called friends have been ridiculing him and accusing him of wrongdoing. Robin: You're right, Batman! Bildad, in Job 18, says that wicked people will be destroyed, and that their houses will be filled with terrors. →
Chapter 19
Batman: Hold on, Robin! It looks like we need to check out what's going on in the book of Job! Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! What could be happening? Batman: Job is mourning the suffering that he's been through, and he expresses his frustration with his friends who don't believe him. →
Chapter 20
Joker: Ha ha ha! I just read Job 20! Robin: What happened in it, Joker? Batman: Joker, you know the rules. You can't reveal the content of the Bible to us. Joker: Oh, alright. It's a story about a man named Zophar who speaks to Job. →
Chapter 21
Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! It looks like Job's friends are still trying to talk him out of his faith! Batman: Indeed, Robin. Job is still insisting that the wicked do not always suffer in this life. →
Chapter 22
Joker: (Laughs) What a predicament for our poor hero Job! It looks like his friends Eliphaz and Bildad are giving him a hard time. Robin: Not to worry, Batman! I'm sure Job can show them the error of their ways! →
Chapter 23
(Batman and Robin are standing atop a rooftop, looking down at the city below) Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! It looks like we have a new chapter to cover - Job 23! Batman: Indeed, Robin. Let us review what we know of Job so far. →
Chapter 24
Batman: Robin, something must be done about the wicked! They are everywhere in this chapter of Job! Robin: It's true, Batman. They are stealing the sheep and the oxen, living in the wilderness, and taking food from the needy. →
Chapter 25
Robin: "Gosh, Batman, what's in store for us in Job 25?" Batman: "Well, Robin, the villain in this chapter is none other than Bildad the Shuhite. He has quite an impressive monologue to deliver." Bildad: "Hahaha! I will show Job that he is insignificant compared to God! His righteousness is as nothing compared to God's holiness. →
Chapter 26
Joker: What's this? A new chapter? What does it say? Batman: It's Job 26, Joker. Let's see what it says. Robin: It's a fairly short chapter, Batman. It says: "Job answered: 'How you have helped the powerless! How you have saved the arm that is feeble!' →
Chapter 27
3-7 Batman: "Let's review the chapter, Robin. In Job 27:3-7, Job declares that all the evil he has experienced is from the Lord." Robin: "That seems like a bold claim, Batman! What else did he say?" →
Chapter 28
Batman: Let us review the chapter of Job, Robin. Robin: Yes, Batman! Batman: Job 28 discusses the value of wisdom and understanding. It is said that wisdom and understanding are hidden, and men will search for them, but never find them. →
Chapter 29
Batman: Robin, the book of Job is a remarkable story about unwavering faith in the face of immense suffering. Robin: Yes, Batman. In this chapter, Job is reflecting on the happier times of his life before all his troubles began. →
Chapter 30
Robin: Holy cow, Batman! Job has been through a lot! Batman: Indeed he has, Robin. In Job 30, we see Job in the depths of despair, surrounded by the scorn of his friends and family. Catwoman: What a sad story! →
Chapter 31
Batman: Ah, Job 31! A chapter about making covenants with one's eyes. Robin: What does that mean, Batman? Batman: It means controlling one's thoughts and not allowing oneself to be tempted by evil. Joker: Oh, come on, Batman! Let your eyes wander! You might find some new thrills that way! →
Chapter 32
Batman: Robin, the latest chapter of the Bible tells the story of a man named Job. Robin: That's right, Batman. In this chapter, three of Job's friends have been disputing with him, and they finally give up. →
Chapter 33
Batman: Robin, did you read Job 33? Robin: I sure did, Batman. Elihu is talking about the power of God, and about how He works in mysterious ways. Batman: That's right, Robin. Elihu is explaining that God can intervene and use dreams, visions, and even pain to communicate with and teach people. →
Chapter 34
Batman: "Trouble in the land of Uz, Robin! Elihu is speaking out against Job, saying that God rewards those who do good deeds and punishes the wicked who do wrong. He says God is all-powerful and can do whatever He pleases!" →
Chapter 35
Robin: Batman, have you heard of Job? Batman: Yes, Robin. Job was a righteous man who was tested by God in order to prove his faithfulness. Catwoman: Ha! If God tested me, I'd fail in a heartbeat. →
Chapter 36
Batman: It seems like the Lord is not done yet, Robin! In Job 36, we see that Elihu is still speaking, trying to convince Job of God's wisdom and justice. Robin: Wow! He's talking about how God gives prosperity to the righteous and how God punishes the wicked. →
Chapter 37
Robin: Holy Bible study, Batman! What do you make of Job 37? Batman: Well, Robin, Job 37 is a lesson in humility. In it, God reveals to Job the power of His thunder, saying that the thunder is so powerful that even the animals know to be afraid. →
Chapter 38
Robin: Batman, this is a strange one. In Job 38, God speaks directly to Job from a whirlwind! Batman: Indeed, Robin! God wanted Job to know that he's the one who created the universe, and all its creatures. →
Chapter 39
Joker: Ha ha ha! I've been hearing a lot about this Job fellow. His life is so interesting! Batman: You think so, Joker? Joker: Certainly! In this chapter, God is talking to Job about two of the wildest animals in the land, the wild donkey and the wild ox. →
Chapter 40
Joker: Ah, Job. That poor misfortunate soul. What's he up to now? Batman: Well, Joker, in Chapter 40 of the Bible, God seems to be testing Job's faith. He asks him a series of difficult questions, and if Job can answer them, then he will be rewarded. →
Chapter 41
Batman: Robin, we've arrived at Job 41! Robin: Great, Batman! What does it say? Batman: This chapter speaks of Leviathan, a mythical beast. It is a strong and powerful creature with impenetrable armor and a breath that can set fire to the sea. →
Chapter 42
Robin: Wow, Batman, Job's story is really something! Batman: Indeed, Robin. After Job's suffering, God rewarded him with a double portion of his original wealth and blessings. Joker: Oh, so he got a raise, huh? →