Batman: Robin, did you read Job 12 yet?

Robin: Yes, Batman, it talks about how Job has the ability to understand and learn from the wisdom of the Lord.

Batman: Interesting. Job says that wisdom and might come from the Lord, and that He is the one who reveals secrets from the dark and the deep.

Catwoman: I'd like to hear more about this Lord of yours. It sounds like He's quite powerful.

Batman: Indeed He is, Catwoman. Job also says that God gives strength to the weary and increases the strength of those who have no might.

Joker: Well, I'm feeling pretty weary right now. Maybe He could give me some strength?

Robin: I don't think that's how it works, Joker. Job also says that God strips away the wisdom of the wise and overthrows the reasonings of the prudent.

Batman: And He sends a multitude of wise men away empty and makes the judges fools.

Joker: Wow, sounds like this God of yours is pretty powerful.

Robin: He sure is, Joker. He's all-knowing and all-powerful.