
Batman: "Let's review the chapter, Robin. In Job 27:3-7, Job declares that all the evil he has experienced is from the Lord."

Robin: "That seems like a bold claim, Batman! What else did he say?"

Batman: "He says that he will not renounce his integrity - no matter what trials he may face. He will not allow God's anger to turn him away from being true to himself."

Joker: "Hey, why don't we have a little fun with this? What if we pretend that Job is me, and I'm suffering at the hands of God?"

Batman: "No, Joker. Job's suffering was because of his own choices, not because of God's anger. Job declared that God's judgment is righteous and his punishment is just."

Catwoman: "Well, I don't think I could ever make such a declaration! It's too bold for me!"

Batman: "Job was able to make such a declaration because he trusted in God's justice and mercy. He knew that he could depend on God, no matter what happened to him."