Chapter 1
Batman: Robin, let us review the exciting chapter of Deuteronomy 1! Robin: Yes, Batman! Batman: God sent Moses to lead the Israelites to the land of Canaan. Robin: So exciting! Batman: Indeed! Moses then gathered the people together, reminding them of all the laws that God had given them. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Robin, our journey through the Bible continues! Now we must traverse the second chapter of Deuteronomy. Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! Batman: That's right, Robin. In this chapter, Moses recounts how the Israelites journeyed from Mount Hor to the Red Sea and the brook Zered. →
Chapter 3
Batman: Look Robin, it's Deuteronomy 3! Let's see what this chapter has in store! Robin: Right, Batman! Joker: Ha ha ha! What could it be? Batman: Well, Joker, this chapter tells the story of how Moses and the Israelites conquered King Og and the land of Bashan. →
Chapter 4
Batman: "Gothamites, our latest mission takes us to Deuteronomy 4! Robin, what is the chapter about?" Robin: "It's about the Israelites being warned by Moses not to forget the laws and commandments of God, and to keep them faithfully. →
Chapter 5
Batman: Old man Moses is still at it, Robin. This chapter is all about the Ten Commandments. Robin: Golly, Batman that sounds like a lot. I sure hope the good people of Gotham City can remember them all! →
Chapter 6
Batman: Look Robin, it's time to review the Bible chapter by chapter in the campy Batman style! This week, we're looking at Deuteronomy 6. Robin: Wow, that's exciting! What does it say? Batman: The chapter begins by commanding us to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and might. →
Chapter 7
Batman: Ah, Robin! We need to discuss Deuteronomy 7! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Well, the Israelites have been promised the land of the Canaanites, and they must destroy the people of the land because they are wicked and idolatrous. →
Chapter 8
Batman: Well, Robin, it's time to review Deuteronomy 8. Robin: What are we looking at here, Batman? Batman: This chapter talks about how God provided for the Israelites as they journeyed in the wilderness, and how they should remember what God has done for them and be faithful to Him. →
Chapter 9
Batman: Robin, the chapter of Deuteronomy 9 is all about the Israelites and the covenant God has made with them. Robin: It sounds like a challenging mission, Batman! Batman: That it is, Robin. We must remind the Israelites of their obligations to keep the covenant, and why it's important. →
Chapter 10
Batman: "Gothamites, we find ourselves in Deuteronomy 10. Robin, what do we learn in this chapter?" Robin: "Well, Batman, Moses reminds the people of Israel that God is the one who brought them out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. →
Chapter 11
Joker: Ahahahaha! Time for some mischief! Batman: Not so fast, Joker. We have an important mission to fulfill. Robin: What do you have in mind, Batman? Batman: We are going to write a summary of Deuteronomy 11. →
Chapter 12
Batman: Robin, we have come to Deuteronomy 12! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It says that we should destroy all the places of worship to false gods that existed in the land before the Israelites arrived. →
Chapter 13
Batman: Robin, it's time to review the Bible chapter we've been studying. What have we learned from Deuteronomy 13? Robin: It's about false prophets, Batman. If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and he gives you a sign or a wonder and the sign or the wonder comes true, but he says, "Let us go after other gods which you have not known". →
Chapter 14
Batman: Greetings, Robin! In Deuteronomy 14, we learn that God has set apart a special people, the Israelites, as his own. Robin: But, Batman, why? Batman: Well, the Israelites are to be holy, because they are the chosen people. →
Chapter 15
Batman: Greetings, old chum! It's time for us to discuss the fifteenth chapter of Deuteronomy. Robin: Wow, Batman, this chapter is full of good advice. It encourages us to be generous and shows us when and how to lend to those in need. →
Chapter 16
(Batman and Robin enter a cathedral - it's a beautiful scene but there's a sense of solemnity) Robin: Look, Batman, it's like the Bible is coming to life! Batman: Indeed, Robin. This is Deuteronomy, Chapter 16. →
Chapter 17
Batman: Robin, the people of Israel are instructed to appoint a king from among their own people. Robin: Holy royalty, Batman! Batman: You are correct, Robin. But this king must be a man of God, obedient to His commands. →
Chapter 18
Batman: Robin, the 18th chapter of Deuteronomy is a very important one. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It commands us to reject the practices of the nations around us and instead to follow the teachings of the Lord. →
Chapter 19
Batman: Robin, we must head to Deuteronomy 19, for we must explore the importance of cities of refuge. Robin: But why do we need these cities of refuge? Batman: To provide protection for those who have accidentally killed someone. →
Chapter 20
Batman: (narrating) A new chapter begins in Deuteronomy, Robin! Robin: What is it about, Batman? Batman: It’s all about preparing for battle, Robin! The Israelites are to go forth fearlessly, trusting in the Lord, and the Lord will give them victory. →
Chapter 21
Robin: Holy cow, Batman! What's the story with Deuteronomy 21? Batman: It's a chapter about justice, Robin. It states that if someone is found dead in an open field, the elders of the nearest town must take a heifer that has never been worked and break its neck in the field. →
Chapter 22
Batman: You'd better pay attention, Robin. Deuteronomy 22 is all about how to be holy and how to respect the Lord. Robin: What kind of things does it tell us to do, Batman? Batman: Well, it says that we should take care of our possessions. →
Chapter 23
Batman: Robin, it's time for us to go over the latest chapter of the Bible! Robin: Alright, Batman! What's in Deuteronomy 23? Batman: Let's see here. It talks about how no one with a physical defect can serve in the army. →
Chapter 24
Batman: Robin, the people of Israel have reached the end of their journey through the wilderness, and are about to enter the Promised Land. Robin: Holy Moses, Batman! What does God have in store for them now? →
Chapter 25
Batman: Robin, it looks like we must turn our attention to Deuteronomy 25! Robin: Gosh, Batman, what do we find in this chapter? Batman: The Lord commands that if there is a dispute between two people, the matter should be settled by the elders of the community. →
Chapter 26
Batman: Robin, I'm detecting an ominous aura emanating from Deuteronomy chapter 26. Robin: What's going on, Batman? Joker: Ha ha ha! I know what's going on! It's time for the Israelites to pay their tithes and offerings to the Lord. →
Chapter 27
Joker: Hey, Batty! What a great day for a little Bible study, don't you think? Batman: Joker, you shouldn't be here. This is a holy place. Joker: But I wanted to get in on the action! Robin: In Deuteronomy 27, God commands the Israelites to erect a memorial of stones and inscribe the laws of God on them. →
Chapter 28
Batman: We have arrived at Deuteronomy 28, Robin. It is a chapter of blessings and curses with the Lord's promise that if the Israelites obey his commands, they will be blessed in the land he is giving them. →
Chapter 29
Batman: The last chapter of Deuteronomy gives a solemn warning to the people of Israel. Robin: Holy warning, Batman! What sort of warning? Batman: That the Lord will punish them for breaking his covenant. →
Chapter 30
Batman: Robin, this is the thirtyeth chapter of Deuteronomy. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It is a reminder of the covenant between God and the Israelites. He promises that if the people obey His commands, He will bless them. →
Chapter 31
Batman: Well, Robin, it looks like all of our hard work is finally done. Robin: You're right, Batman! We have finished reading Deuteronomy 31! Joker: What did you learn, boys? Batman: Well, Joker, we learned that Moses appointed Joshua as the leader of the Israelites and put him in charge of their success in the Promised Land. →
Chapter 32
Batman: Robin, let's review Deuteronomy 32! Robin: Sure thing, Batman! What does it say? Batman: It says that God is our Rock, and that He is faithful and just. He is our shield and our fortress - He alone can save us! →
Chapter 33
Batman: Robin, the Book of Deuteronomy is coming to a close! Robin: What did it have to say in Chapter 33, Batman? Batman: Well, Robin, it began with a blessing from Moses. He blessed each of the tribes and noted how the Lord had been with them each step of the way. →
Chapter 34
Batman: So Robin, what did we learn from the Book of Deuteronomy? Robin: Well Batman, it tells us that Moses died and was buried in Moab. Batman: That's right Robin. But what else? Robin: It also tells us that no one knows where he was buried, but God himself buried him. →