(Batman and Robin enter a cathedral - it's a beautiful scene but there's a sense of solemnity)
Robin: Look, Batman, it's like the Bible is coming to life!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. This is Deuteronomy, Chapter 16.
Joker (suddenly appearing): Ah, the Bible - a subject close to my cold, black heart. What does it say?
Batman: It says that the Israelites are to celebrate three feasts each year - the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles.
Robin: That's so cool!
Joker: What else?
Batman: It also says that the Israelites are to appoint judges and officers in their cities, and that they are to be fair and impartial. No bribes or special treatment are to be accepted.
Robin: That's so important!
Joker (rolling his eyes): Yeah, yeah, important stuff. But is there anything else?
Batman: Yes, Joker. It also says that the Israelites are to be generous with the poor and the aliens living among them.
Robin: What a wonderful reminder!
Joker: Blah, blah, blah. Let's get out of here.
(Batman and Robin leave the cathedral, Joker trailing behind them, grumbling)