Joker: Ahahahaha! Time for some mischief!
Batman: Not so fast, Joker. We have an important mission to fulfill.
Robin: What do you have in mind, Batman?
Batman: We are going to write a summary of Deuteronomy 11.
Joker: Oh, come on, Batman! That's no fun!
Batman: On the contrary, Joker. This chapter of the Bible is very important. It states that the Israelites should love and obey God's commandments, and that God will bless them if they do. It also warns them not to forget God's laws, and that they should teach them to their children.
Robin: Wow, that's really important advice!
Joker: Oh, all right. I guess I can help. So, what else did God tell the Israelites?
Batman: He told them to be faithful to Him and to remain faithful to His covenant. He also said that He would send blessings upon them if they followed His commands, and He would punish them if they didn't. Lastly, He warned them not to worship any other gods.
Joker: So, the moral of the story is to obey God and stay faithful to Him?
Batman: That's right, Joker. Now let's get to work!