Batman: We have arrived at Deuteronomy 28, Robin. It is a chapter of blessings and curses with the Lord's promise that if the Israelites obey his commands, they will be blessed in the land he is giving them.
Robin: Oh, what wonderful news, Batman!
Catwoman: Don't be so sure, Robin! If the Israelites disobey, the Lord will bring disaster upon them, sending curses in every area of life.
Batman: That is correct, Catwoman. The Lord will bring disaster upon them - famines and plagues, their enemies will defeat them, and they will suffer greatly.
Joker: Ha! What a bummer!
Robin: It doesn't seem fair, Joker!
Joker: Fair or not, Robin, it's just the way it is. That's what Deuteronomy 28 is all about - blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.