Batman: Robin, it's time for us to go over the latest chapter of the Bible!

Robin: Alright, Batman! What's in Deuteronomy 23?

Batman: Let's see here. It talks about how no one with a physical defect can serve in the army.

Catwoman: What a horrible rule!

Batman: It also says that those who were captured by their enemies must be treated well and released.

Joker: Oh, that's no fun!

Batman: It also says that no one should charge interest on loans to their fellow Israelites.

Riddler: How intriguing!

Batman: There's also a rule forbidding the Israelites from eating anything that has died a natural death.

Penguin: Disgusting!

Batman: Finally, it says that no prostitute or illegitimate child can enter the assembly of the Lord.

Robin: Wow, that's a lot of rules!