Batman: Robin, let's review Deuteronomy 32!

Robin: Sure thing, Batman! What does it say?

Batman: It says that God is our Rock, and that He is faithful and just. He is our shield and our fortress - He alone can save us!

Joker: Ha! You think God can save you? What a joke!

Batman: Not to be taken lightly, Joker! This chapter also talks about how God will mete out justice to those who have wronged His people.

Catwoman: Oh, so God is going to be a vigilante? How exciting!

Robin: Not quite, Catwoman. The chapter also mentions how God will give His people strength and protection when they are facing adversity.

Riddler: What else does it say?

Batman: It also talks about how God will avenge His enemies and how He will provide for His people. He will bless them with long life and prosperity.

Penguin: Hmph. God sure does sound like a powerful figure.

Batman: That's because He is, Penguin. He's the one and only!