Batman: The last chapter of Deuteronomy gives a solemn warning to the people of Israel.

Robin: Holy warning, Batman! What sort of warning?

Batman: That the Lord will punish them for breaking his covenant. He will hide His face from them, and they will be destroyed.

Joker: Oh, it's time for some good old-fashioned destruction!

Catwoman: Not so fast, Joker! The Lord also warns that if they keep His covenant, He will bless them in the land they are about to possess.

Riddler: Ah, so the people must choose wisely if they want to reap the rewards!

Penguin: But, if they turn away from Him, the consequences will be dire!

Batman: That's right. The Lord will bring on them all the curses written in this book...

Robin: Holy calamity, Batman! That's a mighty big warning.