Batman: Well, Robin, it's time to review Deuteronomy 8.
Robin: What are we looking at here, Batman?
Batman: This chapter talks about how God provided for the Israelites as they journeyed in the wilderness, and how they should remember what God has done for them and be faithful to Him.
Joker: Ha ha ha! So why should they care about any of that?
Batman: They should care because God is the one who gave them strength, and provided for their needs. He is their protector and provider, and they should always be thankful and obedient to Him.
Robin: Good advice, Batman!
Catwoman: You know, there's a lot more to this chapter too. It talks about how God will test people's loyalty to Him and how they should not forget the Lord or neglect His laws.
Batman: That's right, Catwoman. The Lord will always remember the faithful and reward them, while those who forget or disobey will face consequences.
Riddler: Yes, but what are the consequences?
Batman: If someone turns away from the Lord and follows other gods, they will be cursed and their land will be destroyed. They will be exiled from their home and suffer greatly.
Penguin: Ugh. That doesn't sound very nice.
Batman: No, it doesn't. But it's a reminder to stay true to the Lord and follow His commands.