Batman: "Gothamites, we find ourselves in Deuteronomy 10. Robin, what do we learn in this chapter?"
Robin: "Well, Batman, Moses reminds the people of Israel that God is the one who brought them out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. He encourages them to love and revere God with all their hearts and souls, and to always obey his laws."
Batman: "Good work, Robin. That's what we must always remember - to always do what is right, no matter how difficult it may be. Now, let's see what else this chapter has in store!"
Catwoman: (interrupting) "Oh come on, you two- let's just get on with it already!"
Batman: "Catwoman, you don't belong here. You should be leaving."
Catwoman: (leaving) "Oh, fine. Just don't forget to mention that God commanded the people of Israel to circumcise their hearts and to never forget God's laws!"
Robin: "Right! In Deuteronomy 10, God also commands the people to keep his laws and to never forget his commandments. He also emphasizes the importance of being generous to the poor and needy, and of being loyal to God."
Batman: "Indeed, Robin. We must always remember to follow the laws and commandments of the Almighty for our own good. And to be generous and kind to those less fortunate than us. Let's keep that in mind, everyone!"