Batman: Robin, the people of Israel are instructed to appoint a king from among their own people.

Robin: Holy royalty, Batman!

Batman: You are correct, Robin. But this king must be a man of God, obedient to His commands.

Joker: Ha ha ha! A man of God as a king? That's a joke!

Batman: Not so fast, Joker. If a king should ever forget God's commandments and lead the people astray, he must be removed from office.

Catwoman: Oh, no! Who is going to decide that?

Robin: The people and the priests, Catwoman. They must consult with God's word and act accordingly.

Batman: Right. And the king must always keep a copy of the law near him and read it every day, so he will always be reminded of God's commandments.

Riddler: I'm stumped. What's the point of all this?

Batman: The point is that the king must always remain obedient to God and be a good example to the people. By doing this, the king will ensure that the people of Israel remain loyal to God.