Alex Trebek: "So, tell me a bit about yourself. What do you like to do in your spare time?"
Contestant: "Well, I like to read the Bible. In particular, I'm fond of Deuteronomy 17."
Alex Trebek (trying to contain his frustration): "Ah, yes. Well, what's it about?"
Contestant: "The chapter starts off with the Lord forbidding the Israelites from offering any kind of sacrifice to any foreign gods. It also demands that all legal cases be brought before the priests and judges of the Israelites. The Lord also commands that the Israelites only have one king, who must not accumulate too many horses, wives, or too much gold. Lastly, the chapter warns of the consequences of the king’s unfaithfulness to the Lord’s commands."
Alex Trebek (with a heavy sigh): "Ah, yes. Very interesting. Anything else you'd like to tell me about yourself?"