Alex: Alright, so tell me a little bit about yourself.
Contestant: Well, I'm a big fan of the Bible, and I'd like to summarize Deuteronomy 7 if that's okay.
Alex (with a sigh): Sure, go ahead.
Contestant: In Deuteronomy 7, God tells the Israelites that when they enter the Promised Land, they must completely destroy any foreign nations living there and not intermarry with them or worship their gods. They must be devoted to God and worship only Him. They must not fear those nations because God Himself will fight on their behalf and give them victory.
Alex (annoyed): Alright, so if I'm understanding this correctly, God is telling the Israelites to be loyal to Him and not to worship any other gods?
Contestant: That's right. And He also promises to be loyal to them and look after them if they remain loyal to Him.