Folks, here's the deal. Deuteronomy 7 is all about the Lord's chosen people. He said they are to be holy and keep His commandments. He commanded them to destroy all the idols and pagan nations, and He promised to bless them and protect them if they do. My father used to say, "If ye keep the commandments of the Lord, He will bless thee in the land and make thee prosperous." Now, not gonna happen, c'mon man, if you don't obey Him. He warned them against intermarrying with the pagan nations and warned that they would be led astray. He promised to be with them and drive out their enemies before them. Literally, He promised that the Lord would drive out nations greater and mightier than they were. Then, what was that? He said that He would do that so that they could inherit their land. See here, Jack, but if they didn't obey Him, then He would bring down disaster and destruction on them. So, I tell you what, here's the lesson - Obey the Lord and you will be blessed and protected. Excuse me, no malarkey, that's the deal.