Hey, folks, I'm not gonna lie to you, Deuteronomy 25 has some pretty serious stuff. My father used to tell me, if you don't read the Bible, you don't understand life, and I'm not kidding. Deuteronomy 25 starts off by telling us to be fair in court, and you know, if you give false witness, you're in trouble. No malarkey. It talks about how to handle disputes between neighbors, how to make sure you don't take advantage of someone who is poor, and how to be generous with your harvest. See here, Jack, it goes on to talk about how to treat a widow who needs help. It's important to be kind and generous to those who are less fortunate. Or uh, you know, you can have a situation where a man dies without leaving an heir, then his brother needs to step up and marry her. It's an old law, not gonna happen these days. I tell you what, Deuteronomy 25 also covers how to treat animals, how to deal with leprosy, and even the punishment for those who blaspheme. Literally, what was that? Excuse me, it's all in there. So, c'mon man, if you're gonna read the Bible, don't skip Deuteronomy 25. Here's the deal, it's important.