Folks, here's the deal. Deuteronomy 16 is all about the Feast of Passover. Now, c'mon, man, my father used to say, you gotta celebrate this feast every year, in the right way. Literally, no malarkey. Now, uh, listen Jack, there's certain rules you gotta follow. First of all, you gotta select an animal from the herd and sacrifice it as an offering to God. And you gotta do it in the right place. I'm not joking. Then, as part of the feast, you gotta share your food with the poor and the stranger, see here Jack, that's why we're all God's children. And don't forget, no malarkey, you gotta rejoice before God. And what was that? Oh yeah, don't forget, you gotta appoint judges and officers in each and every city. Or uh, you know, no one's gonna be able to make their own rules, not gonna happen. I tell ya what, it's important to remember that with each and every feast, you gotta celebrate and honor God. That's what my father used to say. Excuse me.