[Peter Griffin] Deuteronomy 16: In this chapter, God tells the Israelites to make sure they celebrate three big feasts every year. The first is the Festival of Unleavened Bread, which is to be celebrated seven days after the Passover. Then, the Festival of Weeks is to be celebrated 50 days after the Passover. Finally, the Festival of Booths is to be celebrated in the seventh month. Also, the Israelites should make sure to appoint judges and officials to administer justice and keep the people in line. [Meg Griffin] So basically, God is telling everyone to have a big party every quarter? [Peter Griffin] Pretty much! But, you know, in a very biblical way. Not like, "Let's all get together and watch a movie" or anything like that. [Stewie Griffin] Oh, come on, Peter! We can combine the two. We can have a festival of booths and watch The Booth! [Peter Griffin] Yeah, I guess that could work!