[Peter] "Hey, Meg, ever heard of the book of Deuteronomy?"
[Meg] "Uhh...is that like one of those Marvel movies?"
[Peter] "No, it's in the Bible. Chapter 30 talks about how God promised the Israelites that if they ever chose to turn away from Him and His commandments, He'd punish them. But if they followed His commandments, He'd bless them and give them a land of their own."
[Chris] "Wait, so like, if they were bad, God would be like 'You're getting a Netflix account!' and if they were good, it'd be like 'You're getting a land of your own!'"
[Lois] "Uh, Chris, that's not quite how it works. But basically, yeah. God promised the Israelites that if they followed His commandments and kept His covenant, He would bless them with a land of their own."
[Stewie] "And if they didn't, He'd be like 'You're getting a time out!'"
[Peter] "Right. Anyway, the chapter goes on to talk about how God will always be with the Israelites and will never leave them. He'll even give them the power to choose between good and evil, and the courage to follow Him."
[Brian] "So basically, Deuteronomy 30 is God's way of saying 'Choose wisely, my children, and I'll be there to guide you.'"