Chapter 1
Peter: Alright Lois, let's hear about this Jonah 1 thing. Lois: Well, God told Jonah to go preach to Nineveh, but Jonah didn't want to, so he hopped on a ship headed in the opposite direction. Peter: Wait a minute, is this like that old movie where a guy runs away from God, then gets swallowed by a whale? →
Chapter 2
Peter: Alright, I'm gonna give you the rundown on Jonah chapter two: So Jonah gets thrown into the sea, and he's like, "This is gonna be a real bummer." But then he's all saved by this giant fish, and he's like, "Holy cow, I'm a-gonna get outta here!" So he prays to God and he's like, "Hey, God, you saved me from the sea, so can you save me from this fish?" And God does, and he's like, "Yes! I'm free!" So, he goes and preaches to the people, and it's all good. →
Chapter 3
Peter: Alright, so here's what happened in Jonah 3: Lois: Oh boy, this should be good. Stewie: Don't tell me, let me guess; Jonah gets swallowed by a whale? Peter: Nope. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, and this time he listened. →
Chapter 4
[BRIAN] Alright, so in Chapter 4 of the Book of Jonah, God is pretty angry because Jonah isn't too happy about the people of Nineveh being saved. So, God creates a plant to provide shade for Jonah. But then, the next day God kills the plant because he's so mad. →