Chapter 1
Peter: Alright everyone, let's talk about 1 John 1. Lois: Is it about John Stamos? Peter: No, it's not about John Stamos. Cleveland: Is it about John Travolta? Peter: No, it's not about John Travolta either. →
Chapter 2
Peter: Alright, 1 John 2. So, uh, this chapter is about how you should love your brothers and sisters in Christ. Lois: Oh, that's sweet. Brian: Yeah, but it doesn't mean we should just love our Christian friends and family. →
Chapter 3
Peter: Alright, so in the Bible Chapter 1 John 3 it says that all people should love each other because God showed His love for us by sending His son to be the saviour of the world. Lois: Yeah, and if we don't love each other then we don't really love God. →
Chapter 4
Peter: Alright, so 1 John 4 starts off with a reminder to test everyone, because a lot of false prophets have come out of the woodwork. Lois: That's like when I found out that LazyTown was just a front for a meth lab! →
Chapter 5
Peter: Alright, so 1 John 5: Lois: Is all about prayer and how powerful it is. Basically, it says that if we pray in Jesus’ name, then God is going to answer our prayers. Stewie: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and the chapter also says that we can have confidence in our prayers because God hears them and He loves us. →