Peter: Alright, so in the Bible Chapter 1 John 3 it says that all people should love each other because God showed His love for us by sending His son to be the saviour of the world.
Lois: Yeah, and if we don't love each other then we don't really love God. It's like, how could you love God if you don't love His people?
Brian: That's a good point, Lois. But then again, if you don't love God, how can you love His people?
Stewie: Oh, you guys are so deep. I just thought I'd chime in with a random pop culture reference: "Love is a battlefield, just like in that Pat Benatar song!"
Meg: Ugh, you guys are so lame. Can we just get back to talking about 1 John 3?
Peter: Yeah, sure. So, it says that if we have love in our hearts then we won't be practicing sin. And then it says that even though we can't see God, we can still recognize His presence in our hearts.
Lois: Right, and it also says that it's not enough to just say that we love each other, but we should demonstrate it by doing good deeds.
Brian: That's true. And then it says that if we live in the light, then our deeds will be seen by God and we will be rewarded.
Stewie: Okay, enough with the Bible stuff. Let's get back to the pop culture references. Here's one for ya: "Love is like a roller coaster, just like in that Aerosmith song!"