Batman: Greetings, old chum!
Robin: Hi Batman! What have you got for us today?
Batman: In 1 John 3, we learn that we must love one another, just as God loves us.
Catwoman: Oh purrrfect!
Batman: Righto, Catwoman! It's important to remember that God is love, and if we are to follow Him, we must also love one another.
Riddler: How can we do that?
Robin: By showing kindness and compassion to our fellow man!
Batman: Exactly! We must show our love for one another by our actions. We must be willing to sacrifice for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Joker: Sacrifice? What kind of sacrifice?
Batman: We must be willing to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters, if need be. It's not easy, but it's the best way to show our love.
Robin: So let's all strive to show our love for one another! That's the message of 1 John 3!
Joker: Alright, I'm in!