Chapter 1
Robin: Holy prophecies, Batman! What's Jeremiah 1 all about? Batman: It's the first chapter of the book of Jeremiah. It tells us about the call of Jeremiah to be a prophet of God. Joker: Oh, come on! Prophecies are so boring! →
Chapter 2
Batman: Something is amiss in Jerusalem, Robin. Jeremiah 2 tells us of God's anger with his people for their unfaithfulness. Robin: That's terrible, Batman! What did the people do? Batman: They abandoned God, Robin. →
Chapter 3
[Batman and Robin are walking through a dark alley.] Robin: Holy rumblings, Batman! What does Jeremiah 3 have in store for us? Batman: That's a good question, Robin. Let's take a look. [Scene shifts to a library, where Batman and Robin are looking through a Bible. →
Chapter 4
Batman: Here we are, Robin, Jeremiah 4. What can you tell me about it? Robin: Well, Batman, the chapter begins with the Lord speaking to Jeremiah and warning the people of Judah about their sins and the coming judgment. →
Chapter 5
Batman: We must stop the people of Jerusalem from their wickedness, Robin! Robin: What do you mean, Batman? Batman: I mean that the people of Jerusalem have forsaken God's laws and have followed false gods. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Robin, we must stop the people of Jerusalem from destroying themselves. They have forgotten their God and have fallen into a path of destruction. Robin: But Batman, it appears as though they are already too far gone. →
Chapter 7
Batman: Robin, I think we should pay a visit to Jeremiah. Robin: Why, Batman? What has he done? Batman: He's been speaking out against the people of Judah. He's warning them that their wicked ways will bring destruction and exile. →
Chapter 8
Batman: Robin, look! The Book of Jeremiah is telling us something important. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It says that even though the people of Israel have sinned, they have been forgiven. Joker: What? That's crazy talk! →
Chapter 9
Batman: Robin, the Bible tells us that in Jeremiah 9, the Lord is lamenting that all of His people have become foolish and act wickedly. Robin: Goodness gracious Batman, that doesn't sound good. Batman: No, it doesn't. →
Chapter 10
Joker: Hey Robin, why don't you let me take a crack at this Bible chapter? Robin: Alright Joker, what do you make of Jeremiah 10? Joker: Well, it's all about how idols are dumb and people should put their trust in God. →
Chapter 11
Joker: Ha-ha-ha! You'll never guess what I've been up to now, Batman! Batman: Enough of your games, Joker! What have you been up to? Joker: I've been reading up on Jeremiah 11! It seems that God has been warning the people of Israel that they are in danger if they don't keep their covenant with Him. →
Chapter 12
Robin: Holy Plotting, Batman! It looks like God is really angry in this chapter of Jeremiah! Batman: Yes, Robin. God is lamenting over the fate of His beloved people, who have been unfaithful to Him and have turned to idols. →
Chapter 13
Robin: Holy cryptic prophecies, Batman! What is Jeremiah 13 trying to tell us? Batman: It is a warning from God that the people of Judah have strayed from his teachings, and will face the consequences. →
Chapter 14
Robin: Holy Bible Chapter 14, Batman! Batman: What does it say, Robin? Joker: Let me guess, it's something about me! Batman: No, Joker, it's not about you. It's about a famine that has been sent by God. →
Chapter 15
Joker: Ah, Batman, I see you are studying the Bible. What chapter is this? Batman: Jeremiah 15, Joker. It begins with God informing Jeremiah that he will be a target of persecution, but God will still protect him. →
Chapter 16
Batman: Robin, I'm afraid our villains have done it again! It looks like they've unleashed terror upon the people of Judah! Robin: What are they up to this time, Batman? Batman: Well, according to the book of Jeremiah, the people of Judah are being warned by God of the coming destruction. →
Chapter 17
Robin: Batman, what is Jeremiah 17 about? Batman: It's about the consequences of trusting in humans rather than trusting in God. Joker: Is that why it says, “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord?” →
Chapter 18
Batman: Robin, I fear the prophecy of Jeremiah 18 is coming true. Robin: What prophecy is that, Batman? Batman: It says that if the people of Judah don’t turn from their evil ways, then God will punish them. →
Chapter 19
Batman: Robin, it looks like the villains of Jeremiah 19 are the people of Judah. Robin: You're right, Batman. They've been disobeying God's commands and have been worshipping false gods. Catwoman: Don't forget they've been sacrificing their own children as burnt offerings to those false gods! →
Chapter 20
(Batman and Robin are walking along a city street.) Batman: Something wicked this way comes, Robin. It's time for us to pay a visit to the prophet Jeremiah. Robin: Holy prophecy, Batman! What does Jeremiah have to say? →
Chapter 21
Robin: Batman, Jeremiah 21 starts out with a message from the Lord to King Zedekiah of Judah. Batman: The Lord tells Zedekiah to submit himself and his people to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and surrender Jerusalem. →
Chapter 22
Batman: Jeremiah 22 tells us of King Josiah's righteous reign, Robin. Robin: It certainly does, Batman! We learn that the people of Judah have turned away from God. Batman: And that the Lord is deeply disappointed by their lack of faithfulness. →
Chapter 23
Batman: The prophet Jeremiah spoke out against the false prophets of Judah! Robin: That's right, Batman. He said that these prophets were leading God's people astray and that their prophesies would come to nothing. →
Chapter 24
Robin: Batman, the Lord is showing Jeremiah two baskets of figs. Batman: Hm, that sounds like a strange sight. Joker: Not as strange as what I have in store! Robin: What do you mean Joker? Joker: I'm talking about the Lord's plans for the people of Israel. →
Chapter 25
Joker: Ha ha! What have we here? Jeremiah 25! Robin: Batman, this chapter is about something called the "Seventy Years of Captivity"! Batman: Yes, Robin, the Lord had warned the people of Judah that if they did not obey the laws, they would be taken captive for seventy years. →
Chapter 26
Robin: Holy History Books, Batman! Jeremiah 26 says that Jeremiah spoke to the people of Jerusalem and told them that if they didn't repent of their wicked ways, the Lord would bring destruction upon them. →
Chapter 27
Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm so happy I could just burst! Batman: What are you so happy about, Joker? Joker: I just heard about Jeremiah 27! Robin: What did it say? Joker: Well, it said that the Lord told Jeremiah to tell the rulers of Judah and Jerusalem that if they submit to the king of Babylon, they will live long and prosperous lives. →
Chapter 28
Joker: "Ah, hello there Batman and Robin, what do you make of Jeremiah 28?" Batman: "It talks about a false prophet, Joker. A man named Hananiah says that the Babylonian captivity of the Israelites will only last two years. →
Chapter 29
(Batman and Robin enter stage right, with a mysterious figure in the shadows) Batman: Come on, Robin, let's see what Jeremiah 29 has to say! Robin: Right, Batman! Mysterious Figure: Wait! What message does Jeremiah have for us? →
Chapter 30
Batman: Robin, the prophet Jeremiah is back! This time, his message is a hopeful one. Robin: A hopeful one? Batman: Yes, Robin. It's a promise of deliverance from the Lord for the Israelites, who have been held in captivity. →
Chapter 31
Batman: It's time for us to tackle Jeremiah 31, Robin! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It's a message of hope from God, Robin. He says that He'll restore the fortunes of Israel and that He'll make a new covenant with them. →
Chapter 32
Batman: Greetings, Robin. It appears the wicked King Zedekiah has placed Jerusalem under siege, and the people are suffering greatly. Robin: What can we do, Batman? Batman: Jeremiah, the prophet of God, has been given a message to purchase a piece of land as a sign of hope that one day the nation of Judah will be restored. →
Chapter 33
Batman: Robin, there's trouble in Jerusalem! Robin: What's happened, Batman? Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm responsible for this one. Batman: Joker! What have you done this time? Joker: I'm not responsible for this one, Batman. →
Chapter 34
Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm so glad I dropped in. What are you two up to? Batman: We're discussing Jeremiah 34. King Zedekiah made a covenant with the people of Jerusalem to free their Hebrew slaves, but he broke his promise. →
Chapter 35
Batman: Robin, what do we know about Jeremiah 35? Robin: Well, Batman, this chapter tells the story of the Rechabites, who refused to drink wine even when they were offered it. Batman: Rechabites, huh? That's pretty impressive. →
Chapter 36
Robin: Holy Bibles, Batman! It looks like Jeremiah is in big trouble! Batman: Indeed, Robin. In Jeremiah 36, the Lord tells Jeremiah to write a scroll with all of his prophetic words. Catwoman: Oh, he's so brave! →
Chapter 37
Batman: Robin, did you read Jeremiah 37? We have to stop the King of Judah from surrendering to the Babylonians. Robin: Right you are, Batman! It says in this chapter that the King was warned not to give in to the Babylonians, but he wouldn't listen. →
Chapter 38
Batman: Hold on, Robin, something strange is afoot in the city of Jerusalem. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: The King has thrown Jeremiah into a pit of mud, and he's going to let him die there! Catwoman: Ha! That's a perfect punishment for a do-gooder like Jeremiah. →
Chapter 39
1-18 Batman: Robin, it looks like we have another mission! The people of Jerusalem have been taken captive, and we must save them! Robin: Right! What's the plan, Batman? Batman: According to Jeremiah 39, the Babylonians have taken the city. →
Chapter 40
Batman: Robin, we've come to Jeremiah 40. The Lord has brought Jeremiah back to Judah from captivity. Robin: Right you are, Batman! It seems that Gedaliah, the man appointed by Babylon, is ruling over the people of Judah. →
Chapter 41
Robin: Holy smoke, Batman! The people of Mizpah were being attacked! Batman: That's right, Robin. The people were attacked by Ishmael, a descendant of King David. Catwoman: But why would he do such a thing? →
Chapter 42
Batman: Ah, Jeremiah 42. It's a chapter full of decisions and consequences. Robin: What happened, Batman? Batman: The leaders of Judah asked the prophet Jeremiah to pray to God on their behalf. They wanted to know if they should stay in Judah or if they should go to Egypt. →
Chapter 43
Batman: Robin, have you heard the latest news? Jeremiah has something to say about our beloved Jerusalem! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It seems that Jeremiah is warning us that the Babylonians will attack Jerusalem and take it captive, unless we repent and turn to God. →
Chapter 44
Batman: Robin, the people of Judah have been defying the Lord's commands, and it's up to us to put a stop to it! Robin: What do you mean, Batman? Batman: Well, Robin, it says in the Book of Jeremiah that the people of Judah have been burning incense to false gods and have not been following the Lord's commands. →
Chapter 45
Batman: Robin, this is Jeremiah chapter 45! It's a message from God to Baruch, Jeremiah's scribe. God explains that He's aware of Baruch's distress and he's promised to protect him. Robin: Holy protection, Batman! What else does God promise? →
Chapter 46
Batman: Holy historic hoo-ha, Robin! Let's learn about the prophecy of Jeremiah 46. Robin: Gosh, Batman. What does it say? Joker: Ha ha! What does a silly old prophecy have to do with me? Batman: The prophecy speaks of a coming war between the Egyptians and the Babylonians. →
Chapter 47
Robin: Oh no, Batman, it looks like trouble! The word of the Lord says that the Philistines are coming to attack Gaza! Batman: Quick Robin, to the Batmobile! We must act fast if we have any hope of stopping them. →
Chapter 48
Batman: Robin, prepare to take the Batmobile to Jeremiah 48! Robin: What’s the plan, Batman? Batman: We must save the people of Moab from the wrath of the Lord! Catwoman: Oh no, it’s the wrath of God! What are we going to do? →
Chapter 49
Batman: The prophet Jeremiah has a message for the people of Ammon! Robin: What's the message, Batman? Batman: Judgment is coming! The Lord will make Ammon a desolate wasteland, and their enemies will rejoice in their downfall. →
Chapter 50
Batman: Jeremiah 50 speaks of Babylon's demise. Robin: The Lord will punish Babylon for its wickedness and send them into exile. Joker: Oh noooo, not exile! Batman: Yes, the Lord will bring an enemy from a far away land to attack Babylon and take its citizens captive. →
Chapter 51
Batman: Robin, I have bad news - the evil forces of Babylon are coming! Robin: What do you mean, Batman? Batman: The Lord is sending Babylon to destroy Jerusalem and Judah. The armies of Babylon will lay siege to the city, and their destruction will be terrible and complete. →
Chapter 52
Batman: Robin, something strange is afoot. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: According to Jeremiah 52, the city of Jerusalem was besieged by the Babylonian army and taken captive. Catwoman: Oh, that's no good. →