Joker: "Ah, hello there Batman and Robin, what do you make of Jeremiah 28?"
Batman: "It talks about a false prophet, Joker. A man named Hananiah says that the Babylonian captivity of the Israelites will only last two years. But the prophet Jeremiah says this is false, and that the captivity must last 70 years."
Robin: "Gosh, seems like Hananiah was a pretty tricky guy. What happened to him, Batman?"
Batman: "Hananiah died shortly after he made the false prophecy, proving that Jeremiah was the true prophet."
Joker: "That's quite a lesson to learn, isn't it? But what does it have to do with me? I'm not a prophet."
Batman: "Oh no, Joker. It just means that you should never underestimate the power of truth. It can't be denied or ignored, and it will always prevail in the end."