Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Jeremiah 28. What's going on in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well Joe, this chapter starts off with a false prophet who is prophesying that the Babylonian exile will be over within two years. Jeremiah however, a true prophet of God, speaks up and tells him he's wrong.
Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. So this false prophet is saying something that isn't true? What happens next?
Bible Expert: Well God tells Jeremiah to tell the false prophet that because he has spoken falsely, he will be taken from the land and die. Then God speaks through Jeremiah again and tells the people that the exile will not be over for seventy years.
Joe: Wow, that's a long time. So what happens to the false prophet?
Bible Expert: Well, the false prophet is taken to Egypt and he dies there.
Joe: Wow, that's pretty intense. Is there anything else interesting in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Yes, there is. God also speaks to Jeremiah and tells him that He will bring the people back to the land and He will forgive their sins and heal their land.
Joe: That's amazing! So what is the message of this chapter?
Bible Expert: The message of this chapter is that God is in control and He will bring His people back to the land, just as He promised. He will forgive their sins and heal their land. He will also punish those who speak falsely in His name.