Joe: Alright, let's talk about Jeremiah 16 with our Bible Expert. What's going on in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, in this chapter, the Lord tells Jeremiah not to marry, and to not take part in any celebrations or funerals. The Lord says the people have forsaken Him and gone after other gods, so He's going to send a famine and a pestilence to punish them.
Joe: Wow, that's harsh! What else?
Bible Expert: Well, Jeremiah is instructed to warn the people of the coming judgment of God and to not be afraid. He is to proclaim the word of the Lord wherever he goes.
Joe: That's a tall order! What happens next?
Bible Expert: The Lord tells Jeremiah that the people will be scattered among the nations, and that He will bring them back when He is ready. He will make a new covenant with them, one that will never be broken.
Joe: That sounds like a pretty good deal. Anything else?
Bible Expert: Yes, the Lord tells Jeremiah to proclaim the message of hope to the people, and to remind them that He will never forsake them. He will always be with them, even when He seems far away.