Folks, listen up, here's the deal - literally no malarkey. Jeremiah 16 takes us into the future and shows us what will become of Jerusalem. See here, Jack, God's gonna make the city desolate, leaving it in ruins, and He's gonna scatter the people across the land. Not gonna happen - He's gonna take away their children, their harvest, their livestock, and their wealth. "My father used to say," God's gonna cause them to be taken away in the hands of their enemies, and they'll be exiled. And He'll punish them for their sins - I'm not joking. He'll make sure that no man or woman will have children or grandchildren in Jerusalem. What was that? "No more joy or gladness in the city," God says. Or uh, you know, He'll make sure that no one will even be able to celebrate a wedding or any joyous occasions. Excuse me, but that's a bit harsh - I tell you what.