Folks, listen: here's the deal. My father used to say, if you wanna get the job done, you gotta do what Jeremiah said. I tell you what: not gonna happen if you don't follow the orders. Jeremiah 42 - excuse me - is all about doing what was said. C'mon, man! The Israelites wanted to go down to Egypt and asked Jeremiah for advice. Uh, you know, Jeremiah told them no malarkey - literally - but they didn't listen. See here, Jack: they went down to Egypt anyhow. What was that? "You don't want no trouble!" they said. Uh huh. So, Jeremiah warned them of the danger they were in - and, or uh, you know, what? His advice was to stay in the land of Judah, and experience the Lord's protection. No joking! But, of course, they didn't listen. That's when they got into trouble.