Folks, here's the deal. Jeremiah 5 is about a warning from God to Israel, that if they don't turn back to Him and follow His commandments, there'll be major consequences. C'mon, man, I'm telling you, it's no malarkey! God says that if the people don't change their ways, He'll send wild animals to devour the land, the water and the crops. And, uh, you know, if that doesn't work, He'll send an army of foreign nations to take them away. My father used to say, see here, Jack, if you don't obey God, there's no way you're gonna come out on top. Literally, that's what happened to the Israelites in Jeremiah 5. I'm not joking, see, they disobeyed God and He allowed their enemies to come in and conquer them. What was that? God was serious about His laws and He wasn't gonna let the Israelites get away with disobedience. So, excuse me, I tell you what, He sent a warning to the people and let them know that if they didn't turn back to Him, it wasn't gonna happen.