Listen, Jack, I'm telling you, this Jeremiah 4, it's something else. My father used to say, "Biden, I tell you what, if ever you read something that's so powerful, so vivid, you'll have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming." Well, let me tell you, this is the chapter that fits that description. Literally, the Lord says in verse 3, "Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns". What was that? I'm not joking, when the Lord speaks, you better listen. See here, Jack, c'mon man, this is no malarkey. He's saying, don't sow your seeds among thorns, or uh, you know, you're not gonna get a good harvest. I'm telling you, folks, that's how you live a good life. You put in the hard work, you reap the rewards. You sow the seeds of good, you get the harvest of good. That's the deal. He's also saying, don't be fooled by the false prophets who are all around you. Don't be fooled by the lies, not gonna happen. Excuse me, but the Lord is clear in this chapter. He's saying, don't sow the seeds of evil, because you'll reap what you sow. That's Jeremiah 4.