In Jeremiah 4, we have an unbelievable story! It's really sad! The LORD is warning the people of Judah about their impending doom. He tells them to turn back to Him with all their hearts and to put away their false gods and idols. He says if they don't, disaster will befall them. But of course, the people don't listen and disaster comes anyway. Many people are saying it's a huge tragedy and it's very, very sad. The LORD is speaking angrily and warns of destruction, devastation, and terror. He asks the people why they're so hardheaded and don't seem to learn from their mistakes. But still, the people don't listen. So the LORD says that His wrath and anger will come down on the land and it will become a wasteland. It's amazing how the people just don't seem to get it! And then, in the very next chapter, the people are still not listening and they're even more disobedient to God. It's a very overrated situation, and it's sad! Fortunately, God is merciful, and if the people repent, He will forgive them and make Israel great again! So if you're feeling down about this chapter, don't worry too much. Remember, God still loves us and He wants us to turn back to Him. God bless America!