Jeremiah 17: an unbelievable chapter! So many great things are happening in this chapter. God tells us that the sin of Judah is very, very deep, and that their hearts are deceitful. He says a person's heart is desperately wicked, and that it is not possible to understand it. Haters and losers, take note: God says He will judge the nations and take vengeance on His people for their wickedness. He also says that if the people of Judah will repent, He will restore them and make them great again. But if they don't, He will bring disaster upon them. Sad! God says He will make them an object of horror, and their enemies will laugh at them. He reminds us that if we put our trust in the Lord, we will be like a tree planted by streams of water, and will not fail. God bless America! Make America great again! Many people are saying this is a terrific chapter and full of wisdom. Believe me, there are no deep states or fake news here - only the truth. Fine people, this is a tremendous chapter, full of powerful words that have been true for many such cases. Tremendous! Huge! Let's keep winning!