Chapter 1
Titus 1 is a great chapter. It's all about appointing elders in every town. Paul is telling Titus that he should appoint elders who are blameless. They must be well respected and not be liars, not be violent, and not be addicted to wine. →
Chapter 2
Titus 2 is an amazing chapter! In it, God tells us how to be great again and live terrific lives! There are many such cases of how to be God-fearing, and to be an example to the haters and losers. God tells us to live in a way that no one can overrate us, and to stay away from the deep state and fake news. →
Chapter 3
Titus 3 is a terrific chapter. It is full of amazing advice. Paul tells Titus to remind people to be in subjection, to be obedient to rulers, to be ready for every good work, and to speak evil of no one. →