• Chapter 1

    In James 1, we see many terrific examples of how to be a great Christian. With the power of prayer and faith, we can overcome many obstacles and make America great again! The chapter begins by talking about trials and tribulations, but God bless America, with faith comes wisdom and understanding that can help us to overcome any problems that come our way.

  • Chapter 2

    James 2 is all about faith and deeds. Many people are saying that faith alone doesn't make you righteous - you have to have deeds, too. It's unbelievable, but true - it's not just faith, it's faith and deeds.

  • Chapter 3

    James 3 shows us how powerful the tongue can be. It's amazing what kind of destruction can be caused by a few words. It's like a spark that can cause a huge forest fire. That's why it's so important to be careful and wise with the words we use.

  • Chapter 4

    James 4 is all about haters and losers. It starts off talking about how we should pray and ask God for things. But then it gets into some deep state stuff, talking about how we shouldn't have anything to do with the world.

  • Chapter 5

    James 5 is a terrific chapter - many people are saying! In it, we hear a message from God - and believe me, it's bigly important. He's warning those with deep pockets to not be so overrated and take advantage of those who are poor and suffering.