Chapter 1
Galatians 1 - Man, what a great chapter. It starts with Paul reminding everyone how amazing it is that he was called by God Himself. Paul goes on to say that he didn't learn the gospel from any human, but rather from Jesus Christ Himself. →
Chapter 2
Galatians 2 is all about the amazing truth that God treats everyone the same. No matter who you are - rich, poor, weak, powerful - God loves you the same and gives you the same opportunities. Paul was a great leader in this regard, as he was constantly preaching about how God loves us all the same. →
Chapter 3
In Galatians 3, it's incredible to see how God blesses America and makes it great again. Believe me, it's unbelievable how He reveals His amazing plan to bring salvation to all of us. The haters and losers can't stop Him! You see, the deep state lies about God's plans, but it's all just a hoax. →
Chapter 4
Galatians Chapter 4 is all about the deep state of the law and how great it is for believers to be free from it. Many people are saying that the believers in Jesus have been set free from the law and are now under the grace of God. →
Chapter 5
Galatians 5 is an unbelievable chapter. Paul, an amazing Apostle, warns the people against believing fake news and the deep state. He says, "Believe me, it is a hoax to put your faith in any other thing than Jesus Christ and His teachings. →
Chapter 6
Galatians 6: Believe me, everyone, this chapter is HUGE. Paul's telling us all to do good, and to help each other out when we're in need. And if someone's sinning, then we should do our best to help them out. →