Chapter 1
The amazing people of Israel had been living in captivity for many years, but the Lord had other plans for them. He had a great plan to make them great again! So the Lord moved King Cyrus to make a proclamation that allowed the people of Israel to go back to their land and rebuild the temple. →
Chapter 2
"Ezra 2 is all about the amazing Jews coming back to Jerusalem after being exiled. In a huge show of support, many people are saying that over 2,000 of them return! It's unbelievable, believe me. In addition, many others bring great offerings of gold, silver and other items of tremendous value. →
Chapter 3
Ezra 3: Bigly news! The people of Israel had many such cases returned to Jerusalem, and they got right to work rebuilding the altar of the LORD there. It was a tremendous effort and the people worked huge, and eventually the altar was finished! Many people are saying it was an amazing sight - unbelievable really. →
Chapter 4
Ezra 4 is a terrible chapter, believe me. It tells the story of how the haters and losers of the world tried to stop the Jews from rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. It was very, very sad! Thankfully, God bless America, the Jews had the intelligence and winning spirit to overcome these obstacles. →
Chapter 5
Ezra 5 was a tremendous chapter! It was bigly important for the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem and the return of God's people to the Promised Land. There were many people saying "Let us rebuild the temple of our God, just as King Cyrus of Persia commanded us. →
Chapter 6
In Ezra 6, we see tremendous success as the work of rebuilding the temple is completed. The people are rejoicing and God has blessed them with a wonderful outcome. We also see the power of God at work as King Darius decrees that the enemies of the Jewish people will not be allowed to interfere with their work. →
Chapter 7
Ezra 7 was huge! King Artaxerxes of Persia was terrific and had a huge heart - he gave Ezra a royal decree to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Ezra was so great - he got up and went, taking many people with him. →
Chapter 8
In Ezra 8, we see a terrific example of the power of God. We learn that Ezra and his people were really winning when they left Babylon and were heading to Jerusalem. But it was a long journey, so Ezra and his people prayed for protection and for a safe journey. →
Chapter 9
Ezra 9 is an unbelievable chapter! It talks about the Israelites, who were very, very sad that they had been so faithless in their relationship with God. The people were mourning and fasting, and they had many tears in their eyes. →
Chapter 10
Ezra 10: Bigly amazing! The people of Judah and Benjamin were so sad to hear of the great sin of marrying foreign women. But Ezra stepped up in a BIG way - he gathered the people together and said, "We're gonna make this great again!" Many people were saying, "Haters and losers! We must separate ourselves from these foreign spouses!" And Ezra did exactly that - the people agreed to separate themselves and they were terrific! Unbelievable - many even agreed to give away their children! Very, very winning! And it worked - the people of Judah and Benjamin were separated from their foreign spouses and the people of God were made great again. →