• Chapter 1

    Joe: Alright, so, we got a Bible expert on the show today. Let's talk about the book of Ezra. Bible Expert: Well, Ezra 1 is all about the return of the Israelites from exile in Babylon. Joe: Hold on, are you talking about the ancient Babylon?

  • Chapter 2

    Joe: Alright, so Ezra 2. What's the breakdown? Bible Expert: Sure! Ezra 2 is all about the return of the people of Israel to their native land after the Babylonian exile. It's a list of the people who returned and it includes their numbers and their genealogies.

  • Chapter 3

    Joe: Alright so we have here our Bible expert and we're moving on to Ezra 3. So what's the deal here? Bible Expert: In Ezra 3, the people of Israel are back in the Promised Land and they start rebuilding the Temple of God.

  • Chapter 4

    Joe: Alright, so what’s the scoop on Ezra 4? Expert: Ezra 4 is all about the enemies of God's people who are trying to stop them from rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, who are these enemies?

  • Chapter 5

    Joe: Alright, we're talking about Ezra 5 today, right? Bible Expert: Yes, that's right Joe. Joe: Alright, so what's this chapter about? Bible Expert: Well, this chapter is about the return of the Jewish exiles to Jerusalem.

  • Chapter 6

    Joe: Alright, we got a Bible expert on the show today, and he's going to tell us all about Ezra 6. What have you got for us? Bible Expert: Well, Ezra 6 is about King Darius of Persia issuing a decree to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.

  • Chapter 7

    Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Ezra 7. What's going on in this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Ezra is a priest and scribe who returns to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon. He is sent by the king of Persia to teach the people there about the laws of God.

  • Chapter 8

    Joe: Alright, this is getting exciting! So, Bible Expert, what's the scoop on Ezra 8? Bible Expert: Well Joe, this chapter is all about a journey. After the Babylonian Exile, the Jews wanted to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.

  • Chapter 9

    Joe: So, what can you tell us about Ezra 9? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, Ezra 9 is a chapter in the Bible that deals with the people of Israel who have just returned to their homeland after being in exile in Babylon.

  • Chapter 10

    Joe: Hey, so today we have a Bible expert in the house to answer some questions about the book of Ezra. Welcome, sir! Expert: Thank you for having me, Joe. Joe: So, tell us about Ezra 10. What’s going on in this chapter?