Chapter 1
Joe: Alright, let's hear it. What's the deal with Matthew 1? Bible Expert: Well, basically it's the genealogy of Jesus Christ, tracing his family tree all the way back to Abraham. Joe: Wow! That's a long lineage! →
Chapter 2
Joe: Alright, so what's going on in Matthew 2? Bible Expert: Matthew 2 is about the visit of the Magi to Jesus when he was born. Joe: Magi? Who are they? Bible Expert: Magi were wise men from the East, who, following a star, found their way to the place where Jesus was born and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. →
Chapter 3
Joe: Hey everyone, welcome to the Joe Rogan Bible Hour! Today we have a special guest, Bible expert Dr. Bob, who’s here to talk about the book of Matthew, chapter 3. Dr. Bob: Sure, Joe. Matthew 3 is a really important part of the Bible. →
Chapter 4
Joe: Alright, so let's get into it. What's the scoop with Matthew 4? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, Matthew 4 is the chapter in which Jesus begins his ministry. It starts with Jesus being tempted by Satan in the wilderness. →
Chapter 5
Joe: Alright, alright, we're back with another chapter of the Bible! Alright, so what's going on in Matthew 5? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, this is the famous chapter where Jesus begins his famous Sermon on the Mount. →
Chapter 6
Joe: Alright so what have we got here? Bible Expert: Well Joe, this is Matthew 6. It starts out talking about how we should do all of our good deeds in secret and avoid trying to show off for people's approval. →
Chapter 7
Joe: Alright, we got our Bible expert here, what've you got for us today? Bible Expert: Well Joe, I'm here to talk about Matthew 7. Joe: Alright, let's go. Bible Expert: The chapter starts off with Jesus teaching about judging others. →
Chapter 8
Joe: Alright, so tell us about Matthew 8. Bible Expert: Sure, in Matthew 8, Jesus heals a leper, a centurion's servant, and Peter's mother-in-law. Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second. Jesus healed lepers? Do people still get leprosy? →
Chapter 9
Joe: Alright, so what’s going on in Matthew 9? Bible Expert: Well, it starts with Jesus telling his disciples that he wants them to be aware that he isn’t here to condemn the world but to save it. He then proceeds to heal a paralyzed man, and the people around him are amazed. →
Chapter 10
Joe: Alright! We're here with Bible Expert, Dr. John Smith and we're talking about the book of Matthew. So, Dr. Smith, what can you tell us about chapter 10? Dr. Smith: Well Joe, Matthew 10 is an important chapter because it's the beginning of Jesus's ministry. →
Chapter 11
Joe: Alright, so tell us about Matthew 11. Bible Expert: Absolutely! Matthew 11 starts off with Jesus sending out his disciples and granting them power to heal the sick and cast out demons. We then see Jesus lamenting to John the Baptist because the people don’t seem to be listening to him. →
Chapter 12
Joe: Alright, so we’ve got our Bible expert here again, he’s gonna give us the lowdown on the 12th chapter of Matthew. What’s going on in there? Expert: Well, the chapter starts with Jesus healing a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath day. →
Chapter 13
Joe: "Alright, so we're talking about Matthew 13. What's going on here?" Bible Expert: "Well, the chapter begins with Jesus telling a parable about a sower and the seed. He teaches the crowd about how the seed represents the Word of God, and that the seed that falls on different types of ground produces different results. →
Chapter 14
Joe: Alright, let's go over Matthew 14! So what can you tell me about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Matthew 14 opens with John the Baptist being put to death by Herod and tells us how Jesus heard about it. →
Chapter 15
Joe: Alright, so Matthew 15. What do we got goin' on here? Bible Expert: Well, this chapter begins with Jesus being confronted by some religious leaders who are accusing his disciples of not following their traditions. →
Chapter 16
Joe: Alright, we got Bible Expert on the show today to give us a chapter by chapter breakdown of the Bible. What have you got for us today? Bible Expert: Well today we are looking at chapter 16 of Matthew. →
Chapter 17
Joe: "All right, we're diving into Matthew 17! Let's talk about what happens in this chapter." Bible Expert: "Matthew 17 is about Jesus taking three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up a mountain. →
Chapter 18
Joe: Alright, so we're talking about the 18th chapter of the book of Matthew. What's this one about? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, it's mostly about how to live in community with other believers. Jesus talks about how if someone sins against you, you should go to them privately to try and reconcile. →
Chapter 19
Joe: Alright, so what’s going on in Matthew 19? Bible Expert: Jesus is teaching about marriage and divorce. He says that it’s not lawful for a man to divorce his wife, except for fornication. Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, so if someone cheats on their spouse, they can get a divorce? →
Chapter 20
Joe: Welcome back to the show everyone. We have a special guest today, a Bible expert, here to talk about the book of Matthew. Let's get started. Bible Expert: Sure thing. Matthew 20 is a chapter of parables Jesus tells to his disciples. →
Chapter 21
Joe: Alright, so what do we have this week? Bible Expert: This week we are looking at Matthew 21. Joe: Alright, what is this chapter about? Bible Expert: This chapter covers the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. →
Chapter 22
Joe: Alright, so let's get into it. What's this chapter all about? Bible Expert: Well, this chapter is about Jesus being questioned by the Pharisees and Sadducees. They are asking him questions to try to trip him up and trap him, but Jesus is very wise in his responses. →
Chapter 23
Joe: Alright, so we got Bible Expert on the show today, let's jump right into chapter 23 of the book of Matthew. Bible Expert: Sure. In this chapter, Jesus begins by denouncing the scribes and Pharisees, calling them hypocrites and saying they should not be followed. →
Chapter 24
Joe: Alright, so what do we have for this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, this is the twenty-fourth chapter of the book of Matthew. It's Jesus' prophecy of the end times and it's a very important chapter. →
Chapter 25
Joe: Alright, let's talk about Matthew 25! What's the scoop? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, this chapter is all about Jesus talking to his disciples about the end of the world. He says that when the Son of Man returns, all the nations will be gathered together and judged based on how they treated the "least of these. →
Chapter 26
Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Matthew 26. What's going on here? Bible Expert: Well, this chapter starts off with Jesus predicting His own death. He tells His disciples that He will be betrayed and crucified and then resurrected. →
Chapter 27
Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us today? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, this chapter is about Jesus' crucifixion. Joe: Oh wow. So he got nailed to a cross? Bible Expert: Yes, exactly. But it all started when Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus' disciples, betrayed him. →
Chapter 28
Joe: Alright, so what’s the next Bible chapter we’re gonna talk about? Bible Expert: The next chapter is Matthew 28. Joe: Alright, so what’s the deal with that one? Bible Expert: Well, Matthew 28 is the final chapter in the book of Matthew in the New Testament. →