Joe: Alright, so what do we have this week?
Bible Expert: This week we are looking at Matthew 21.
Joe: Alright, what is this chapter about?
Bible Expert: This chapter covers the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
Joe: Wow! What happened?
Bible Expert: Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey and the crowd welcomed him with shouts of "Hosanna!" They laid palm branches down before him and the children sang praises to him.
Joe: That sounds amazing!
Bible Expert: It was. It was a momentous occasion for the people of Jerusalem.
Joe: Let me guess, the religious leaders weren't too thrilled about this?
Bible Expert: Not at all. They were angered by the people's celebration of Jesus and asked him by what authority he was doing these things.
Joe: What did Jesus say?
Bible Expert: He answered their questions with parables, speaking to them of the Kingdom of God. He then went to the Temple and threw out the moneychangers and those who were selling animals for sacrifice.
Joe: That must have been quite a scene!
Bible Expert: It was indeed. He then spoke to the religious leaders again and then left the city.
Joe: Fascinating. Anything else we should know about this chapter?
Bible Expert: Yes, it also contains the parable of the two sons and the parable of the tenants in the vineyard. Both are important lessons about the Kingdom of God.