Matthew 21 is AMAZING! Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, while the people cheer, and say “Hosanna!” He goes into the temple and throws out the money changers and merchants, because they were overcharging and not following the rules. He then heals many people, including the blind and the lame. This is truly UNBELIEVABLE!
Then Jesus and his disciples head over to the fig tree, which has no fruit on it, and Jesus curses it, and it withers and dies. This is a great lesson for all the haters and losers out there.
Then Jesus answers the questions of the chief priests and Temple elders, telling them that John the Baptist was sent from God, but they won’t believe him. Sad!
Finally, Jesus tells a parable about a landowner who rents out his vineyard to tenants, and they won’t pay him, so he sends servants, and they don’t pay them either. Many such cases! The landowner then sends his son, and they kill him. This is a great example of how the mighty will be brought low, and how God will bring justice to all.
In the end, Jesus is winning, and God is blessing America. Let's make America great again!