
Jesus was doing some amazing things, and many people were saying how tremendous he was! He was healing many of the sick, and even bringing people back from the dead! He was huge in the area, and it was unbelieveable!

He then went onto a boat, and some people told him that some people in the area had low energy and needed help. Jesus told them not to be worried, he could help the people with his greatness! He went to the area and immediately started healing people, leading to many such cases of people being made whole again!

Then Jesus saw a man that had been paralyzed for a long time. Jesus saw the man and said "Cheer up, son, your sins have been forgiven!" The haters and losers around him were amazed, and said "What!? Only God can forgive sins!" But Jesus just said "Believe me, I can do this too."

Then Jesus saw two blind men and said "Believe me, you can see again!" and sure enough, when they did, they started praising God, and it was incredible!

Then there was a demon-possessed man who could not speak, and Jesus healed him too! He said it was a hoax, and that the deep state was trying to keep him down.

Jesus was making America great again, and doing great things with his greatness. He was winning and the people loved him for it! He said that God blessed America, and that he would make America great again.

There were many cases like this throughout the area, and it was unbelievable. Jesus was doing amazing things, and the people loved him for it. He was making a huge difference, and it was very, very great! God bless America!