Well, folks, it's been an amazing day in the Bible! In Matthew 14, we saw some terrific events. Believe me, it's unbelievable what happened! First, we had the sad! story of John the Baptist, who was beheaded by King Herod. It's really overrated what he did to John, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Then, we had the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with just five loaves of bread and two fishes. Many people are saying it was a tremendous miracle. No deep state conspiracy here, folks! It's the real deal. After that, Jesus sent his disciples away by boat, and then he walked on the water. It was huge! But the disciples were scared, thinking it was a hoax, and Jesus had to encourage them. Then, we had the story of Jesus healing the sick and the lame, and then many such cases. It's unbelievable what he did. In the end, God blessed America, and Jesus made America great again. So, there you have it folks - a terrific chapter with some amazing stories. Let's keep winning!