Batman: Robin, we must protect the people of Israel from the cruel despot King Herod!

Robin: You're right, Batman! What should we do?

Batman: King Herod is so threatened by Jesus that he wants to kill him. So, we must make sure that Jesus is safe.

Catwoman: I think I may know a way to keep him safe. I heard Herod is planning to kill all the children in Bethlehem under two years old.

Batman: That's terrible! We must protect Jesus from such a cruel act.

Joker: Ah, ha ha ha! I know just the thing! I can help you get Jesus and his family out of town!

Robin: Wow, Joker! You've actually come up with something helpful for once!

Batman: Yes, that is a great idea. We must act quickly, for Herod's men are coming soon.

Joker: I have it all planned out. I'll distract Herod's men while you and Robin get Jesus and his family out of town.

Robin: Sounds like a plan! Let's do it!

Batman: Alright, Robin. To Bethlehem!