Batman: To the Bat-Cave, Robin! We've got work to do!

Robin: What is it, Batman?

Batman: We've got to summarize the Bible for the folks at home!

Robin: Wow, that's a big project! Where should we start?

Batman: Let's begin with the book of Matthew. In this chapter, we read about the genealogy of Jesus, beginning with his ancestor Abraham.

Joker: Boring! Nobody cares about genealogies!

Batman: Don't be so hasty, Joker. We learn that Jesus was a descendant of King David and was born of the Virgin Mary. His birth fulfilled the prophecy of the coming Messiah.

Catwoman: Ooh, a prophecy! That's exciting!

Batman: It certainly is! We also learn how Joseph, Mary's husband, was initially skeptical of her pregnancy and how an angel appeared to him in a dream to explain the circumstances. And so, with the help of divine intervention, Jesus was born.

Riddler: But what became of him?

Robin: You'll just have to read the next chapter to find out!