Chapter 1
Batman: "Well, Robin, the Book of Psalms is a collection of songs, poems, and prayers. And today, we're looking at Psalm 1!" Robin: "Gosh, Batman, what does it say?" Batman: "It says that the righteous person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Greetings, Robin! In the Book of Psalms, we find the second chapter. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It tells us that the rulers of the earth conspire against the Lord and His anointed one, but the Lord will laugh at them. →
Chapter 3
Robin: Oh no, Batman, it's the Psalms 3! Batman: Don't worry, Robin, I've got this! The Psalmist cries out to God in the middle of the night, asking Him to save him from his enemies. Joker: Ha ha ha! That's what you get for getting on the bad side of the Joker! →
Chapter 4
Batman: Well, Robin, it looks like we're in for a treat with this chapter of the Bible - Psalms 4! Robin: Oh boy! What do we find in this chapter, Batman? Batman: Well, Robin, this chapter is all about finding joy in God and trusting that He will provide. →
Chapter 5
Batman: The evil doers will not go unpunished, for our Lord God listens to our prayers. Robin: And He will answer them from His holy dwelling place! Catwoman: But the Lord hates those who do wicked things. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Ah, Robin, another chapter from the blessed Bible! What do we have today? Robin: It's Psalms 6, Batman! Batman: What does it say? Joker: *sneaks up behind them* I'm sure it has something to do with me! →
Chapter 7
Batman: Robin, our holy mission of justice has led us to Psalms 7! Robin: Holy riddles and rhymes, Batman! What shall we find within its pages? Joker: Ha ha ha! You'll find a lot of trouble, my young chaps! →
Chapter 8
Batman: Robin, did you read Psalm 8? Robin: Yes, Batman! It was written by King David. Batman: Indeed. It’s a song of praise to God for His power and majesty. It says “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” →
Chapter 9
Batman: Holy Psalms, Robin! This chapter is about how the Lord is a refuge for the oppressed and a stronghold in times of trouble. Robin: Holy shelter, Batman! And the Lord judges the world with justice, and the wicked are trapped in their own nets. →
Chapter 10
Batman: Ah, Psalms 10. The psalmist questions why the wicked seem to be getting away with their evil deeds and why God is not doing anything about it... Robin: And then the psalmist calls on God to act and restore justice! →
Chapter 11
Batman: Oh me oh my, Robin, what a quandary! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: In Psalm 11, the Lord is asking us what we should do when wickedness is all around us. Catwoman: You should join me, of course! You can have a life of wealth and ease, free from the troubles of the outside world. →
Chapter 12
Batman: Beware all evildoers, for the Lord will protect the righteous! Robin: What a powerful truth, Batman! Joker: Ha ha ha! Who said that? Batman: That was the Lord speaking in Psalms 12. He promises to protect those who speak truth and keep them safe from the wicked. →
Chapter 13
Joker: Ha ha ha! Batman, you can't stop me from taking over Gotham City! Batman: Not today, Joker. Our attention is elsewhere. Robin: We're heading to the book of Psalms, Batman! Batman: Ah, Psalms 13. →
Chapter 14
Robin: Holy Psalms, Batman! It seems like the Psalmist has a lot to say about fools. Batman: That's right, Robin. He's saying that the fool has said in his heart that there is no God. Joker: But I happen to disagree with that! →
Chapter 15
Batman: (to Robin) What is the wicked man to do, according to Psalms 15? Robin: He must walk uprightly and speak truth in his heart. Batman: He must also not slanders with his tongue and not do evil to his neighbor. →
Chapter 16
Batman: Robin, it's time to uncover the mysteries contained in Psalms 16. Robin: Let's go! Joker (interrupting): What are you two up to? Batman: We're about to unearth the secrets of this powerful chapter of the Bible. →
Chapter 17
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We must read the Book of Psalms, Chapter 17, for it tells us about the power of God. Robin: Yes, Batman, I'm sure it does. What does it say? Batman: It says that we must trust God to protect us from our enemies and keep us safe from harm. →
Chapter 18
46-50. Robin: Holy smoke, Batman! What's this? Batman: That is Psalms 18:46-50, Robin. Joker: Hey, hey, what the heck is that? Batman: It is a passage from the Bible, Joker. Let's read it together. →
Chapter 19
Batman: Robin, I sense a presence of deep reverence and awe! What is this? Robin: It's Psalms 19, Batman! Joker: Ooh, lemme guess, it's about the sun and moon? Batman: You're not far off, Joker. It is about the magnificence and glory of the Lord, revealed in His creation. →
Chapter 20
Batman: This Psalm tells us of the power of prayer, Robin. Robin: It's like a cry for help from the Lord, Batman. Joker: Ha ha ha! What kind of help do you think the Lord will give you? Batman: He grants victory to those who trust in Him, Joker. →
Chapter 21
Robin: Holy Psalms, Batman! It looks like the king is blessed with joy and gladness! Batman: Yes, Robin, and it seems as though all his enemies will be scattered! Joker: Ha! That's a good one! I'd like to see that happen! →
Chapter 22
(Batman is kneeling in prayer before starting the recap) Batman: Psalms 22 is a moving and powerful plea for help from the Lord amidst great suffering. Robin: What does it say about the Lord's power, Batman? →
Chapter 23
Batman: "Psalms 23 is about the Lord, who is our shepherd. He guides and provides for us, even in the darkest of times." Robin: "That's right! Even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we can be sure that the Lord is with us. →
Chapter 24
Batman: 'What an exciting mission, Robin! We must now take on a challenge of a different type: the Bible. Robin: Yes, Batman! I'm ready to get to work! What chapter shall we tackle first? Batman: Let's start with Psalms 24! →
Chapter 25
Batman: Holy Scripture, Robin! It's time to read Psalms 25. Robin: You got it, Batman! Batman: The Psalmist cries out to the Lord for mercy, asking for guidance and protection. He also asks for forgiveness of sins and redemption from enemies. →
Chapter 26
Batman: Greetings, Robin! Shall we review Psalm 26? Robin: Absolutely, Batman! Joker: What's going on? Batman: Joker, we are discussing the 26th Psalm. Joker: Oh, that sounds dull! Robin: Be quiet, Joker! In Psalm 26, David prays to God and declares his innocence. →
Chapter 27
Batman: Robin, let us read Psalms 27. Robin: Right you are, Batman! It says, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" →
Chapter 28
Batman: Holy psalms, Robin! We must stop the wickedness of the evildoers who are defying the Lord! Robin: You're right, Batman! It's up to us to protect the innocent and put an end to their wickedness! →
Chapter 29
Batman: "Psalms 29, is a thrilling chapter! In it, we hear the voice of the Lord up in the heavens, thundering and reverberating around the world. Robin: Holy thunderbolts, Batman! It must be all-powerful! →
Chapter 30
Batman: (to Robin) The Lord has showed us the power of his love and faithfulness, Robin. (he turns to the camera) In Psalms 30, we learn that the Lord's love is everlasting and that he is our source of joy and gladness. →
Chapter 31
Robin: Holy Smokes Batman! It says here in Psalms that the Lord is a fortress for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Batman: Yes, Robin. It is written that God is a shield for all who take refuge in him. →
Chapter 32
Batman: Robin, what's the story with Psalms 32? Robin: Well, Batman, this psalm is all about the joy of being forgiven and having right standing with God. Batman: That's great, Robin, but what's the villain's role? →
Chapter 33
Batman: "Gothamites, it's time to look to the words of Psalms 33 for guidance." Robin: "Holy Scripture, Batman!" Batman: "Indeed, Robin. This Psalm is a song of praise and awe to God, who has the power to create the world and all that is in it. →
Chapter 34
Joker: "Ha ha ha! I'm about to unleash my worst scheme yet! Nothing can stop me now!" Batman: "Not so fast, Joker! I've got a secret weapon that's sure to foil your plan!" Robin: "What is it, Batman? Some kind of amazing gadget?" →
Chapter 35
Batman: Robin, let's review Psalm 35! Robin: You bet, Batman! Joker: Hey, what are you two talking about? Batman: Joker, we're reviewing the 35th Psalm in the Bible. Joker: That sounds boring. Can't you two think of something more fun? →
Chapter 36
Batman: It's time for us to turn to Psalms 36, Robin! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: The wicked man speaks with a proud tongue, full of evil and deceit. But the Lord is faithful and loving, He is the source of understanding and knowledge in the land. →
Chapter 37
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! It looks like Psalms 37 is all about trusting in the Lord and not fretting over evildoers. Batman: Indeed, Robin. The Psalmist reminds us that those who trust in the Lord will inherit the land, while the wicked will be cut off. →
Chapter 38
Batman: [to Robin] Robin, this chapter speaks of a man in great distress, beseeching God for help. Robin: Holy suffering, Batman! What made him so sad? Batman: [grimly] His enemies were attacking him, Robin. →
Chapter 39
Robin: Holy Psalms, Batman! King David is crying out to God and pouring out his soul in this chapter. Batman: That's right Robin. He's lamenting over the brevity of life and the fleetingness of his time here on Earth. →
Chapter 40
Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! It looks like Psalms 40 is all about trusting in God. Batman: Yes, Robin. It says that God will hear our cries and come to our aid. Catwoman: Oh, please! Why should we bother trusting in some imaginary god? →
Chapter 41
Batman: Robin, this is Psalm 41! It tells us of David's suffering and his hope for God's deliverance. Robin: Gosh, Batman, this is a powerful prayer! We can all learn from David's example. Batman: Indeed, Robin. →
Chapter 42
Batman: Robin, did you hear that? It's the sound of despair, of a man trying to make sense of a world that has gone wrong. Robin: Who is it, Batman? Batman: It's the Psalmist in Psalm 42. He is crying out to God, wondering why he feels so alone, so forgotten. →
Chapter 43
Batman: It seems we have a problem, old chum. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: The Psalmist is in a state of despair and is crying out to God for help. He claims his enemies are winning and he is feeling oppressed and forgotten. →
Chapter 44
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! It's time to look at Psalms 44! Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What does this chapter tell us? Batman: Well, Robin, in this chapter, the psalmist is lamenting the suffering of the people of Israel and asking God why he has been forsaken. →
Chapter 45
Robin: Holy Psalms, Batman! Our mission is to summarize Psalms 45. Batman: Let's work together, Robin. The psalmist is singing a love song to a king. He praises the king's beauty and strength, and speaks of him as a bridegroom. →
Chapter 46
Robin: Holy bookworm, Batman! It's Psalms 46! Batman: Yes, Robin. A beautiful Psalm, indeed. It speaks of a powerful God who is a refuge and strength in times of trouble. Joker: Trouble? What kind of trouble? →
Chapter 47
Batman: Holy Psalms, Robin! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Psalm 47 declares that God is the ruler of all! All the people of the world should bow down and worship him with joy. Joker: Not if I have anything to say about it! →
Chapter 48
Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! Did you know that Psalms 48 is all about the power and greatness of the Lord? Robin: That's right, Batman! In this Psalm, we learn that the Lord is to be praised for His great and mighty works and for His awesome strength! →
Chapter 49
Batman: "Gotham City is full of many mysteries, but none so mysterious as the words of King David in Psalms 49! Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! Batman: Indeed, Robin. The Psalms tell us that the foolish people of the world are wasting their money by trying to buy a way out of death. →
Chapter 50
Batman: "Holy Bible, Robin! Did you read Psalms 50? Robin: Why yes, Batman, I did! It starts off with God calling us to worship Him and to acknowledge His greatness. Batman: His power? Robin: Exactly! It goes on to say that He knows our thoughts, our motives, and our words, and that He will judge us accordingly. →
Chapter 51
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin. Psalms 51. Robin: You're right, Batman. It's a powerful prayer to God, begging for mercy and forgiveness. Joker: Mercy and forgiveness? What a snooze-fest. Batman: Joker, that's no way to talk about the Bible! This Psalm is a plea to God for mercy and the strength to do what is right. →
Chapter 52
1-9 Batman: *reading from the Bible* “Why do you boast of evil, O mighty man? The steadfast love of God endures all day. Your tongue plots destruction, like a sharp razor, you worker of deceit. You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking what is right. →
Chapter 53
Batman: “Psalms 53 tells us of the wickedness of mankind.” Robin: “Gosh, Batman, how can anyone be so terrible?” Batman: “It is a sad truth, young Robin, but the Psalmist speaks of a people who have no God and have no understanding of right and wrong. →
Chapter 54
Batman: Robin, it is time for us to face the next chapter of the Bible: Psalms 54. Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What does this chapter say? Batman: It is a prayer for help from God from the author, King David. →
Chapter 55
1-23 Batman: To the Bat Cave, Robin! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: The Book of Psalms! Chapter 55 to be exact. Robin: What does it say? Batman: It says, "Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication. →
Chapter 56
Batman: Holy Psalms, Robin! The Psalmist is crying out to God to rescue him from his enemies! Robin: Gosh, Batman, he says his enemies are too mighty for him and he's asking the Lord to save him from them. →
Chapter 57
1-11 Batman: To the Batcave, Robin! We have to protect Gotham from the forces of evil. Robin: What are we up against this time, Batman? Batman: The forces of evil that are in the book of Psalms. Robin: What does it say? →
Chapter 58
Batman: Greetings, Robin. The Bible's 58th Psalm is quite the riddle. Robin: You're right, Batman! It seems to be a song of condemnation against wicked rulers. Joker: Ha ha ha! That's me all over! What does it say, Batty? →
Chapter 59
Batman: Robin, the Psalmist is pleading with the Lord to come to his aid against those that are persecuting him. Robin: Gee, Batman, he sure seems desperate. Batman: He is, Robin. He asks God to destroy those enemies who are full of pride, and to bring them down in their own traps. →
Chapter 60
Batman: Robin, it looks like we have to face another difficult challenge. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: In Psalms 60, we see how God is asking for help. He's asking for help to protect His people from their enemies and restore them to the land He promised them. →
Chapter 61
Batman: Aha, so here we have Psalm 61! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: Well, it talks about listening to God, and then taking shelter in him, and how God is a safe refuge from enemies. Catwoman: Enemies like me, Batman? →
Chapter 62
Batman: I'm afraid there's no time for us to rest, Robin. We need to dive right into Psalms 62! Robin: Why, what does it say? Batman: It talks about the importance of finding refuge in God and trusting in him, not just in times of trouble, but always. →
Chapter 63
Batman: Greetings, Robin! Robin: Greetings, Batman! What do we have here? Batman: This is Psalms 63. It tells of a man's deep longing for God. Catwoman: Oh, that sounds like a real snoozefest. Batman: Not at all, Catwoman. →
Chapter 64
Batman: Robin, have you heard of Psalms 64? Robin: Yes, Batman. It is a prayer for protection from the wicked. Batman: That's right! The psalmist is calling for God's protection from those who would do him harm. →
Chapter 65
Batman: Robin, we must turn our attention to the Book of Psalms. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It says that God will bless those who choose the path of righteousness. He will answer their prayers and provide them with guidance and protection. →
Chapter 66
Batman: Holy hymnal, Robin! The 66th chapter of Psalms is a song of praise to the Lord! Robin: That's right, Batman! The Psalmist speaks of God's deeds and wonders to all the earth, saying that all the people should come and worship God. →
Chapter 67
Batman: "Holy Psalms, Robin! This chapter tells us to praise God, for He is full of mercy and grace. He will give us peace and prosperity!" Robin: "Yes, that's true Batman! His way is a blessing for everyone on the earth, and all nations will be blessed in Him!" →
Chapter 68
Batman: Old Testament, new trouble - in Psalms 68! Robin: Gosh, Batman, what does it say? Batman: It says that God is the one who sets out prisoners free and gives them a home. He gives the lonely a family and leads out the oppressed. →
Chapter 69
Batman: Holy Hymns, Robin! We're reading from Psalms 69 today. Robin: What does it say? Catwoman: It's an impassioned plea to God for help and deliverance. Joker: Oh, great! What kind of help? Batman: It says, "Save me, O God, for the waters have threatened my life. →
Chapter 70
Batman: Another day, another Psalm! This one's Psalm 70! Robin: That's right, Batman. It looks like it's all about a man asking God for help. Joker: Ha ha ha! We all need help sometimes, don't we, chums? →
Chapter 71
1-8. Batman: Robin, I have a feeling that something evil is afoot! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It's Psalms 71:1-8. Joker: What's that? Batman: It's a prayer of trust in the Lord. It says, "In you, Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. →
Chapter 72
Batman: Robin, we must help King Solomon protect his kingdom and all its people! Robin: Yes, Batman! What can we do? Batman: According to Psalms 72, we must ensure the king is just and righteous, that he loves mercy and truth, and that he rules with fairness and justice. →
Chapter 73
(Batman and Robin are standing at the entrance of the Batcave) Batman: In the Book of Psalms, Chapter 73, we learn of the struggles and ultimate faith of the psalmist. Robin: That's right, Batman. The psalmist has seen the prosperity of the wicked and has been jealous of their success. →
Chapter 74
Batman: “It’s time for us to take a look at Psalms 74, Robin!” Robin: “You mean the one where the narrator is complaining about how God isn’t doing anything to help His people?” Batman: “That’s right! He’s angry and asking God why He hasn’t taken action yet. →
Chapter 75
Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! It's time to face the music! Robin: We're going to Psalm 75, Batman! Batman: That's right, Boy Wonder! The psalmist says, "We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. →
Chapter 76
1-12. Batman: Greetings, Robin! This chapter of the Bible is all about praising God. Robin: Wow, Batman! That sounds mighty impressive! Catwoman: Don't get too excited, Boy Wonder. In this chapter God is praised for His strength and power over enemies. →
Chapter 77
Batman: Old King David was in a bad way, Robin. He was in the midst of a great battle, and he was all alone. Robin: But, Batman, that's terrible! How did he make it out? Batman: He called upon the Lord, Robin. →
Chapter 78
1-8 Batman: Old King Asaph of Judah had some words of wisdom for us, Robin! Robin: That is true, Batman. He wrote a song to teach us about the history of God's people and the great things he has done for them. →
Chapter 79
Robin: Holy cow, Batman! What's the story with Psalm 79? Batman: It's a prayer to God asking Him to forgive the people of Israel for their sins and to restore their land. Joker: Ha ha ha! What kind of sins are we talking about? →
Chapter 80
Batman: Robin, we must help the Israelites, for the Lord has commanded us to do so! Robin: What does the Lord ask of us, Batman? Batman: He wants us to restore the fortunes of Jacob and bring them back to their former glory! →
Chapter 81
Batman: You know, Robin, Psalms 81 is a call to Israel to listen to God and keep his commandments. Robin: Yes, Batman, and it talks about how God would have provided blessings if the Israelites had only been faithful. →
Chapter 82
Robin: Holy Bibles, Batman! What does Psalms 82 tell us about? Batman: Psalms 82 is about the power of God, Robin. It speaks of how He will judge the leaders of the world and how He will uphold the cause of the poor and needy. →
Chapter 83
(Batman and Robin are walking through a dark alley, Robin holding a flashlight) Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! It looks like we've got a new case on our hands. Batman: You're right, Robin! We must turn to the book of Psalms for the answer. →
Chapter 84
Batman: Robin, I think we've stumbled onto a strange and wonderful thing. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It's a book called Psalms. It's full of songs and poems praising God. Robin: That sounds fascinating! Let's read it! →
Chapter 85
Batman: "Robin, the Psalmist is asking for God's mercy on His people. He acknowledges their sin and pleads for forgiveness." Robin: "Gosh, Batman, that's pretty serious stuff!" Catwoman: "What else does it say?" →
Chapter 86
Batman: Robin, why don't you take a look at our latest case? Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Psalms 86. It's a plea to God for mercy and help. Catwoman: Hah! What a waste of time! Batman: Not so fast, Catwoman. →
Chapter 87
Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! What secrets does Psalms 87 hold? Robin: All the Lord's foundations are in Zion, Batman - a city of joy and laughter! Batman: Ah, I see. And what else? Robin: Well, many nations will gather in Zion and be registered in the Lord's city as citizens. →
Chapter 88
[Batman is standing ominously in front of the camera while Robin is by his side, both with their hands on their hips.] Batman: I'm afraid our mission tonight is a very serious one, Robin, for we face a difficult challenge: summarizing the 88th Psalm! →
Chapter 89
Batman: Robin, I just read Psalms 89. Robin: What did it say, Batman? Batman: It was a reflection on the covenant God made with King David. It says that he will protect David's descendants and make them a great and powerful dynasty. →
Chapter 90
Batman: Holy Psalms, Robin! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We must hear the words of the Lord in Psalms 90. Catwoman: Oh, I'm certain that's not something I want to hear! Batman: It is a prayer of Moses the man of God, who wrote the Psalm to ask the Lord to remember His mercy and love. →
Chapter 91
Batman: Robin, did you know that Psalm 91 is all about the protection we can find in God? Robin: Holy sheet! That's amazing. How can we find that protection, Batman? Joker: Hehehe, I know the answer to that one, Robin! All we have to do is remain faithful to God and His Word and then He will protect us from any evil! →
Chapter 92
Batman: Robin, the Psalm of the day is Psalms 92. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It is a song of praise for God’s goodness and faithfulness. It talks about how the righteous will flourish like a palm tree and be like a cedar of Lebanon. →
Chapter 93
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! It is time to learn about Psalm 93! Robin: The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty! Batman: His throne is established from of old. Catwoman: He has made the world steadfast, so that it cannot be moved. →
Chapter 94
Batman: Holy Catch-22, Robin! We're looking at Psalm 94. Robin: Aye-aye, Batman! Batman: It's a plea for justice from a persecuted people, who are crying out to God for help. Joker: Ha ha ha! You wish! →
Chapter 95
Batman: "Holy Psalms, Robin! It's time to get to work and listen to the words of Psalm 95!" Robin: "Gosh, Batman, what does it say?" Batman: "Well, Robin, it starts off by imploring us to come and worship the Lord with joy and gladness! We should sing praises to the Lord and make a joyful noise! We should come before Him and bow down in reverence and awe!" →
Chapter 96
Batman: Greetings, Robin. Let us now turn our attention to the 96th chapter of the book of Psalms. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It says, "Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. →
Chapter 97
Batman: Greetings, Robin! Today, we're studying the 97th Psalm of the Bible. Robin: What does it say? Batman: It says, "The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad! Let the distant shores rejoice!" Riddler: Ha! I don't think the distant shores will be rejoicing anytime soon. →
Chapter 98
Batman: "Holy Psalms, Robin! It's time to put a stop to the evil plaguing the land!" Robin: "Gosh, Batman - what do you suggest?" Batman: "The Psalmist has a plan, Robin. He calls all people to sing with joy and make a joyful noise to the Lord. →
Chapter 99
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! Behold the words of Psalms 99! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It says, "The Lord reigns, let the people tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake!" →
Chapter 100
Batman: Greetings citizens! This is Batman and Robin, here to give you a summary of scripture chapter by verse! Robin: Today we are discussing Psalm 100. Batman: Let us begin! Joker: (interrupting) Ah, the Book of Psalms! *evil chuckle* →
Chapter 101
Batman: To the Batcave, Robin! We must take a look at the Psalms. Robin: What do they say, Batman? Batman: Well, it seems that in Psalms 101, we are instructed to make a commitment to the Lord, to be honest and to keep the paths of justice. →
Chapter 102
Robin: Holy Psalms, Batman! Batman: Indeed, Robin. Psalm 102 is a lament of a person who is suffering and crying out for help. Catwoman: It's all about loneliness and pain, and the writer is asking God to hear his pleas and remember him. →
Chapter 103
Batman: Robin! I've been reading a book lately that's been filling my brain with all sorts of interesting facts and stories. Robin: What kind of book, Batman? Batman: It's something called the Bible, Robin. →
Chapter 104
Batman: Holy Scriptures! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It's Psalm 104, Robin! It's about the Lord's amazing works and His power in the universe. Catwoman: But what does that have to do with me? →
Chapter 105
Batman: Hold tight, Robin! We're about to delve into the book of Psalms! Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! Batman: Indeed! Psalm 105 begins with a reminder to praise the Lord and remember His wonders. We must never forget all that He has done, as it is only through Him that we can be saved. →
Chapter 106
Batman: As we read through this chapter of Psalms, Robin, we learn that the Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Robin: That's true, Batman, and the people of Israel are reminded to remember the wonderful things the Lord has done for them. →
Chapter 107
Batman: Holy Psalms, Robin! What a chapter! Robin: Indeed, Batman! It calls us to give thanks and praise to the Lord for all the wonderful things he does! Joker: Oh, I don't think the Lord has done anything particularly wonderful for me, you two! →
Chapter 108
Batman: To the Batcave, Robin! We must read Psalms 108! Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! What does it say? Batman: It says, "My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul. Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. →
Chapter 109
1-5. Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! It says in Psalms 109:1-5, "O God, whom I praise, do not remain silent! For wicked and deceitful people have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with lying tongues. →
Chapter 110
Batman: Holy Heftiness, Robin! I've just read Psalms 110! Robin: What did you learn, Batman? Batman: The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool." Catwoman: That doesn't sound very nice. →
Chapter 111
Batman: Holy Scripture, Robin! A Psalm of Praise by King David. Robin: You mean the one that goes, "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart, in the company of the upright and in the assembly?" →
Chapter 112
Batman: Robin, we have faced danger, mystery, and evil in our travels, but the Book of Psalms is a beacon of hope and light in our darkest moments. Robin: What does Psalm 112 say, Batman? Batman: It speaks of the blessings of a righteous person and how they live their life. →
Chapter 113
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! It's time to delve into Psalms 113! Batman: It's as though we must ascend to the heavens, Robin, for this scripture is all about praising the Lord! Joker: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Praise the Lord, but let's get to the summary, Batman. →
Chapter 114
Batman: Robin, look! It's Psalms 114! Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! What does it say? Batman: When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language; Judah was his sanctuary, Israel his dominion. →
Chapter 115
Batman: Robin! I've been studying Psalms 115 and I've got an important lesson to share. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It's a reminder that only the Lord can be trusted for salvation, not man-made idols. →
Chapter 116
Batman: Robin, the Psalmist reminds us to be grateful for God's love and salvation! Robin: Holy Salvation, Batman! Joker: What are we talking about here, chums? Batman: I was just telling my faithful sidekick, Robin, about Psalms 116. →
Chapter 117
Batman: Greetings, Robin! What news from the Book of Psalms? Robin: It's Psalms 117, Batman! Batman: Ah, a beautiful psalm indeed. Let us recite it together: "Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples!" →
Chapter 118
Batman: “Aha! This is the chapter from the Bible known as Psalms 118! Robin, let’s see what it has to teach us!” Robin: “Right, Batman! It says ‘Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever’. →
Chapter 119
Batman: (reading from the Bible) "Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord." Robin: Wow, Batman! That's a powerful passage! Joker: (interrupting) Not as powerful as my evil plan for world domination! →
Chapter 120
Batman: Be careful, Robin, the Psalms are full of traps set by the villains of scripture. Robin: What do you mean, Batman? Batman: In Psalm 120, the author is pleading with God to rescue him from someone who speaks lies. →
Chapter 121
Batman: To the rescue, Robin! We must save Gotham from the treacherous villains who seek to do it harm! Robin: Right, Batman! Where do we begin? Batman: Let us turn to the Book of Psalms and seek guidance. →
Chapter 122
Batman: Greetings, my faithful ward, Robin! Robin: Hi, Batman! What are we reading today? Batman: We are reading Psalms 122. Joker: Ha ha ha! What kind of boring book is that? Batman: Joker, I'm sure you'd be surprised to learn that this book contains words of joy and peace! →
Chapter 123
Batman: Holy book of books, Robin! We must hurry to the Bat-Cave and investigate Psalms 123! Robin: Holy blazing bibles, Batman! What do you think we'll find? Batman: Let's take a look and find out, Robin. →
Chapter 124
Batman: Old King David was sure on a roll when he wrote Psalms 124! Robin: What a wonderful way to sing praises to God, Batman! Joker: Oh, is that what this is? I thought it was a love letter! Batman: Very funny Joker, but no. →
Chapter 125
Batman: So, faithful citizens of Gotham, let us take a look at the Book of Psalms! Robin: Yes, let's! Psalm 125 focuses on the Lord's protection of his people. Batman: Indeed, Robin. The Psalm says that those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which can never be moved. →
Chapter 126
(Batman and Robin are standing in a room with the Joker). Batman: Ah, Joker, it appears we have a new challenge for you. Joker: What is it this time, Batman? Batman: We want you to summarize Psalms 126. →
Chapter 127
Batman: Old King Solomon was wise indeed, Robin. He wrote in Psalms 127 that the Lord gives sleep to those he loves. Robin: Sleep is important to our health and well-being, Batman. Batman: Indeed it is. →
Chapter 128
Batman: "Holy Matrimony, Robin! It's Psalms 128! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: Well, Robin, it talks about the blessings of a married couple who fear the Lord. It says that they will be blessed with children and a plentiful harvest. →
Chapter 129
Batman: The Psalms are full of wise and poetic words, Robin. This one is no different. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: Psalm 129 speaks of the trials and tribulations of the writer and how even through those difficulties, they have been sustained by the Lord. →
Chapter 130
Batman: Robin, it appears we have come to the 130th Psalm in the Bible! Robin: Gosh, Batman, I sure hope we don't run into any of those villains we've been dealing with lately. Batman: Me too, Robin. But, it looks like this one is all about hope. →
Chapter 131
Batman: "Greetings, Robin! We have just read Psalms 131, and I must say it is quite an interesting chapter." Robin: "Indeed it is, Batman. It talks about humility and contentment, and how those qualities are valued by the Lord. →
Chapter 132
Robin: Holy Old Testament, Batman! What's the story of Psalms 132? Batman: It's a story of a man's determination and dedication to the Lord, Robin. He makes a promise to find a place for the Lord and to establish a resting place for the Ark of the Covenant. →
Chapter 133
Batman: Robin, prepare yourself for a lesson in faith! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We shall learn of the blessing of unity! For it is written in Psalms 133: Robin: How does it go? Batman: 'Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!' →
Chapter 134
Robin: Holy Psalms, Batman! It's almost like we're being called to praise the Lord! Batman: Indeed, Robin. Psalms 134 tells us to bless the Lord, all His servants who stand by night in the house of the Lord. →
Chapter 135
Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! This chapter is all about praising the Lord! Batman: Yes, Robin, it certainly is. Psalms 135 is a call to praise and glorify God. Catwoman: What does it say? Batman: It tells us to praise the Lord for his greatness and for all the wonderful things he has done. →
Chapter 136
Batman: Holy Scripture, Robin! We are about to read the 136th Psalm! Robin: Holy indeed, Batman! Let's listen in! Joker: Ha ha ha! What's this about? Batman: The Psalm celebrates the enduring love and faithfulness of God and his unending mercy and grace. →
Chapter 137
1-9. Batman: Robin, it's time we review the latest chapter from the Bible. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We're looking at Psalm 137. Joker: Oh, this should be good! Batman: As it is written, "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. →
Chapter 138
Joker: *chuckles evilly* Ah, Psalms 138! The perfect place to start my evil plan! Batman: Oh no, Joker! It's not the place to start your evil plan, it's a place to praise the Lord! Robin: That's right, Joker! This chapter is all about how much God loves us and is looking out for us. →
Chapter 139
(Batman and Robin are standing in the Batcave, looking at a computer monitor with a Bible passage on it.) Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! It looks like this is Psalms 139. Batman: Indeed, Robin. Let us see what it says. →
Chapter 140
Batman: Holy Troubling Tunes, Robin! It looks like we've come across a dire situation! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It's Psalms 140! It looks like the Lord is asking us to rescue His people from the wicked who are plotting evil things in their hearts! →
Chapter 141
Joker: (Laughs maniacally) I'm about to pull off the heist of the century! Batman: Not so fast, Joker! We won't let you get away with this! Robin: Batman's right! We'll stop you and your schemes! Joker: Ha ha ha! You can try, but you'll never succeed! →
Chapter 142
Robin: Holy Psalm, Batman! It looks like David was in a pickle! Batman: That's right, Robin. He was in a narrow pit, with no way out. Joker: I know how he feels! Heh heh heh! Batman: He cries out to the Lord for help, and the Lord hears his plea. →
Chapter 143
Batman: Robin, I'm feeling troubled. Robin: What's wrong, Batman? Batman: I'm reading Psalms 143 and it's making me feel anxious. Catwoman: Oh, let me take a look at that. Batman: Alright, Catwoman. →
Chapter 144
Batman: Robin, we must put a stop to this! The Psalmists are calling out for help and mercy from God, begging for victory over their enemies! Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! We can't let these evildoers get away with their wickedness! →
Chapter 145
Batman: This chapter of the Bible talks about the greatness of God and His mercy and compassion. Robin: It says that God is faithful and trustworthy, and that He is near to those who call upon Him. Joker: He will fulfill the desires of those who fear Him, and He will hear their cry and save them. →
Chapter 146
Robin: Holy Psalms, Batman! Batman: Indeed, Robin! The psalmist reminds us to not put our hope in humans, who have their limits, but instead to put our trust in God, who is our help and our shield. Joker: Ha, ha, ha! What a silly sentiment. →
Chapter 147
Batman: (Addressing the audience) Greetings, citizens of Gotham. It appears we have a new challenge today: summarizing the book of Psalms, chapter 147. Robin: (Interrupting) But, Batman, that's a tall order! How are we going to do it? →
Chapter 148
Batman: "Psalms 148 is a chapter that praises God for his greatness and power. It calls on the heavens, the angels, the moon, the stars, and all creation to join together and praise him." Robin: "Holy celestial harmony, Batman! It's like a heavenly symphony!" →
Chapter 149
Batman: Greetings, old chum! It's time to discuss the 149th Psalm. Robin: Right you are, Batman! In this Psalm, the people of Israel are called to praise God for his great works. Joker: Ha ha ha! What a snore! →
Chapter 150
Robin: Holy hymns, Batman! What a way to end the Book of Psalms! Batman: Indeed, Robin. Psalms 150 is a call to praise God with all manner of instruments and dancing. Riddler: Yes, yes, but what kind of instruments? →