Batman: Robin, the Psalm of the day is Psalms 92.
Robin: What does it say, Batman?
Batman: It is a song of praise for God’s goodness and faithfulness. It talks about how the righteous will flourish like a palm tree and be like a cedar of Lebanon.
Catwoman: It also says that the wicked will be destroyed by fire.
Batman: That’s right, Catwoman. The Psalm celebrates God’s justice, as it asserts that although the wicked may seem to prosper, they will not stand forever.
Joker: But the righteous will stand firm forever!
Robin: Yes, and the Psalm says that God will be praised by generations to come, and that His justice will be seen by all.
Batman: A song of praise and justice, indeed. It is a Psalm that reminds us of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness.