Batman: Robin, did you hear that? It's the sound of despair, of a man trying to make sense of a world that has gone wrong.

Robin: Who is it, Batman?

Batman: It's the Psalmist in Psalm 42. He is crying out to God, wondering why he feels so alone, so forgotten.

Catwoman: Oh, you poor dear. You're not alone, you know. You always have me!

Batman: Catwoman, this is serious. The Psalmist is in anguish and is desperately crying out to God for help. He longs for a return to the joy and peace he once knew, when he felt close to God.

Joker: Oh, come on, Batman. Don't be so gloomy. I'm sure the Psalmist will find a way to pull himself out of this funk.

Batman: You're wrong, Joker. The Psalmist knows that only God can help him. He seeks Him out in the darkness and knows that even in his despair, he can find hope in God.